《 九月九日憶山東兄弟 》
~~王維 (唐; 701-761)
2008年10月8日 星期三
2008年10月7日 星期二
2008年9月22日 星期一
2008年9月16日 星期二
2008年9月11日 星期四
There have been many reports during the past months of the continuous spread of chikungunya virus (CHIKV). Compared with past experience, this is totally atypical and has recently been largely explained in the publication of 2 papers:
De Lamballerie (2008) Virology Journal, 5. 33 doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-5-33. and
Tsetsarkin et al PLoS Pathog. 2007;12:e201. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.0030201, which have not been cited by ProMED moderators
[Genetic adaptation of CHIKV to Aedes albopictus was reported in the ProMED post of 9 Dec 2007 archive no. 20071209.3973, cited below. - Mod.TY] (繼續閱讀).........
De Lamballerie (2008) Virology Journal, 5. 33 doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-5-33. and
Tsetsarkin et al PLoS Pathog. 2007;12:e201. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.0030201, which have not been cited by ProMED moderators
[Genetic adaptation of CHIKV to Aedes albopictus was reported in the ProMED post of 9 Dec 2007 archive no. 20071209.3973, cited below. - Mod.TY] (繼續閱讀).........
Current overall situation-------------------------
Since January 2008, Singapore has been experiencing outbreaks of both imported and local cases of Chikungunya fever. There have been an additional 28 cases (including 16 imported) since the last update. As of 4 Sep 2008, a total of 178 cases have been notified this year. Of these, 86 were imported cases with history of travel to Johor (69 cases) and other states of Malaysia (8 cases), Indonesia (4 cases), Sri Lanka (2 cases), India (2 cases) and the Maldives (one case). The rest were locally acquired infections which probably occurred at 19 separate locations, including 39 cases in Kranji Way, 13 from Little India, 14 from Sungei Kadut, 5 from Pasir Panjang Wholesale market, and 6 from Lim Chu Kang Lane 2.
Current overall situation-------------------------
Since January 2008, Singapore has been experiencing outbreaks of both imported and local cases of Chikungunya fever. There have been an additional 28 cases (including 16 imported) since the last update. As of 4 Sep 2008, a total of 178 cases have been notified this year. Of these, 86 were imported cases with history of travel to Johor (69 cases) and other states of Malaysia (8 cases), Indonesia (4 cases), Sri Lanka (2 cases), India (2 cases) and the Maldives (one case). The rest were locally acquired infections which probably occurred at 19 separate locations, including 39 cases in Kranji Way, 13 from Little India, 14 from Sungei Kadut, 5 from Pasir Panjang Wholesale market, and 6 from Lim Chu Kang Lane 2.
2008年9月10日 星期三
2008年9月9日 星期二
登革熱判定 南部5縣市不接受 20080909
2008年9月5日 星期五
A total of 224 people nationwide are suspected to be down with chikungunya last week [week of 24-30 Aug 2008], compared with only 179 in the previous week.......
Chikungunya (29): Malaysia (Perak) 20080729.2319
Chikungunya (26): Malaysia (Johor), susp. 20080628.1992
Chikungunya (13): Malaysia (Johor) 20080428.1462]
A total of 224 people nationwide are suspected to be down with chikungunya last week [week of 24-30 Aug 2008], compared with only 179 in the previous week.......
Chikungunya (29): Malaysia (Perak) 20080729.2319
Chikungunya (26): Malaysia (Johor), susp. 20080628.1992
Chikungunya (13): Malaysia (Johor) 20080428.1462]
2008年9月4日 星期四
2008年8月29日 星期五
2008年8月27日 星期三
[see also:
Chikungunya (35): Singapore 20080817.2558
Chikungunya (34): Singapore 20080814.2525
Chikungunya (33): Singapore, Italy ex Sri Lanka 20080812.2493
Chikungunya (31): Singapore 20080807.2433
Chikungunya (30): Singapore 20080803.2381
Chikungunya (18): Singapore ex Indonesia, India (Kerala) 20080508.1576
Chikungunya (07): Singapore 20080216.0622
Chikungunya (06): Singapore 20080212.0555
Chikungunya (04): Singapore 20080128.0349
Chikungunya (03): Singapore 20080118.0220]
[see also:
Chikungunya (35): Singapore 20080817.2558
Chikungunya (34): Singapore 20080814.2525
Chikungunya (33): Singapore, Italy ex Sri Lanka 20080812.2493
Chikungunya (31): Singapore 20080807.2433
Chikungunya (30): Singapore 20080803.2381
Chikungunya (18): Singapore ex Indonesia, India (Kerala) 20080508.1576
Chikungunya (07): Singapore 20080216.0622
Chikungunya (06): Singapore 20080212.0555
Chikungunya (04): Singapore 20080128.0349
Chikungunya (03): Singapore 20080118.0220]
一、 本土登革熱 全台累計126例 (蘋果 健康 A15)
二、 北市登革熱增1例 疫情未擴大 (中華 醫藥資訊 C2)
三、 高縣增四例 恐有群聚現象 (中華 醫藥資訊 C2)
四、 北市本土登革熱添1例 計19人 (新生 聚焦 P9)
五、 塗肉桂精油驅蚊 防登革熱? 小心過敏 (新生 中醫藥天地 P10)
六、 北高疫情 北市再增1登革熱病例 疾管局動員防疫 (民眾 生活綜合 P7)
七、 龍成里爆3登革熱病例 高縣防群聚感染 (民眾 生活綜合 P7)
二、 北市登革熱增1例 疫情未擴大 (中華 醫藥資訊 C2)
三、 高縣增四例 恐有群聚現象 (中華 醫藥資訊 C2)
四、 北市本土登革熱添1例 計19人 (新生 聚焦 P9)
五、 塗肉桂精油驅蚊 防登革熱? 小心過敏 (新生 中醫藥天地 P10)
六、 北高疫情 北市再增1登革熱病例 疾管局動員防疫 (民眾 生活綜合 P7)
七、 龍成里爆3登革熱病例 高縣防群聚感染 (民眾 生活綜合 P7)
2008年8月26日 星期二
北市本土登革熱20080826 & 登革新制「一採判定」
一、 本土登革熱 社子添一例 (蘋果 大台北社區新聞A13)
二、 北市登革熱確診病例 新增1人 (新生 長青保健11)
三、 北市登革熱新增1例 累計18例 (民眾 生活綜合7)
四、 Dengue infections rise to 18 (Taipei Times台灣新聞3)
五、 寶特瓶+養樂多…蚊子投降啦 (聯合電子報 台南報導)
一、新增登革熱快速檢驗(Dengue nonstructural 1,簡稱NS1),並回溯自本(97)年7月1日起修正檢驗結果綜合判定之標準如下:
二、 北市登革熱確診病例 新增1人 (新生 長青保健11)
三、 北市登革熱新增1例 累計18例 (民眾 生活綜合7)
四、 Dengue infections rise to 18 (Taipei Times台灣新聞3)
五、 寶特瓶+養樂多…蚊子投降啦 (聯合電子報 台南報導)
一、新增登革熱快速檢驗(Dengue nonstructural 1,簡稱NS1),並回溯自本(97)年7月1日起修正檢驗結果綜合判定之標準如下:
2008年8月25日 星期一
一、 北市本土登革熱確認病例增為十七 (地方台北)
二、 士林日前才消毒 又爆兩例登革熱 (北市教育 C)
三、 北市爆疫情 北縣願贈鬥魚吃蚊子 (地方板橋)
四、 本土性登革熱 北市再增2例 (北部新聞 B6)
五、 本土登革熱 北市再添兩例十年來最嚴重 全面加強消毒 (健康 A13)
六、 登革熱增2病例 北市17人感染 (生活綜合 P7)
七、 士林新增2例 北市累計17人感染登革熱 (長青保健 P11)
八、 以毒攻毒 消滅病媒蚊有指望 (聚焦 P9)
美國科學家發現無害人畜新病毒 專攻蚊蟲幼蟲
【Taipei Times】
九、 Two more cases of dengue in Taipei Shilin District (Taiwan P2)
【China Post】
十、 Two new cases of dengue fever in Taipei City (Local P19)
一、 北市本土登革熱確認病例增為十七 (地方台北)
二、 士林日前才消毒 又爆兩例登革熱 (北市教育 C)
三、 北市爆疫情 北縣願贈鬥魚吃蚊子 (地方板橋)
四、 本土性登革熱 北市再增2例 (北部新聞 B6)
五、 本土登革熱 北市再添兩例十年來最嚴重 全面加強消毒 (健康 A13)
六、 登革熱增2病例 北市17人感染 (生活綜合 P7)
七、 士林新增2例 北市累計17人感染登革熱 (長青保健 P11)
八、 以毒攻毒 消滅病媒蚊有指望 (聚焦 P9)
美國科學家發現無害人畜新病毒 專攻蚊蟲幼蟲
【Taipei Times】
九、 Two more cases of dengue in Taipei Shilin District (Taiwan P2)
【China Post】
十、 Two new cases of dengue fever in Taipei City (Local P19)
JE article20080825
Bovine lactoferrin inhibits Japanese encephalitis virus by binding to heparan sulfate and receptor for low density lipoprotein.YJ Chien, WJ Chen, WL Hsu, and SS Chiou Virology, Sep 2008; 379(1): 143-51.
2008年8月22日 星期五
一、 出血性登革熱 高市爆今年首例(都匯C4版頭)
二、 本土登革熱 社子島達15例(大台北A22)
三、 登革熱 北市本土案例增至15(北市C1)
四、 社子擴大採血 登革熱累計16病例(台北B5)
五、 城市札記/正名運動(台北B6)
六、 後勁登革熱疫區 陳菊︰重罰髒亂住家(電子報 高雄)
七、 本土登革熱 增四確例(醫藥C2)
八、 北市登革熱確診15例 社子島警戒(綜合7版頭)
九、 登革熱防疫 陳菊下令拆楠梓空屋(綜合7)
【Taipei Times】
十、 Northern Taiwan facing more dengue fever cases (Taiwan 2版頭)
一、 出血性登革熱 高市爆今年首例(都匯C4版頭)
二、 本土登革熱 社子島達15例(大台北A22)
三、 登革熱 北市本土案例增至15(北市C1)
四、 社子擴大採血 登革熱累計16病例(台北B5)
五、 城市札記/正名運動(台北B6)
六、 後勁登革熱疫區 陳菊︰重罰髒亂住家(電子報 高雄)
七、 本土登革熱 增四確例(醫藥C2)
八、 北市登革熱確診15例 社子島警戒(綜合7版頭)
九、 登革熱防疫 陳菊下令拆楠梓空屋(綜合7)
【Taipei Times】
十、 Northern Taiwan facing more dengue fever cases (Taiwan 2版頭)
2008年8月21日 星期四
一、 本土性登革熱 基隆驚見1例 (都會新聞 C4)
二、 登革熱 又傳3名疑似個案 (北市教育 C)
一人住松山 曾到社子河濱公園運動 另二人都住社子社中街
三、 本土登革熱增3疑例 (北市新聞 B6)
四、 本土性登革熱 基隆出現首例 (地方基隆)
五、 登革熱症狀與預防 (地方基隆)
六、 全國首例出血性登革熱 在楠梓 (地方高雄)
七、 高市評論》別讓空汙、登革熱揚名 (地方高市)
八、 防登革熱 北市下週全面消毒 (大台北社區新聞 A15)
群聚疫情另3病例 檢驗結果今出爐
九、 北市登革熱群染 11確例 (醫藥資訊 C2)
十、 基市也傳1例本土登革熱 (醫藥資訊 C2)
十一、 星馬曲弓熱疫情 再惡化 (醫藥資訊 C2)
十二、 北市爆本土登革熱群聚感染 屬同一波疫情 (北市新聞 P14)
十三、 登革熱疫情發燒 基隆衛局籲小心防範 (基隆新聞 P16)
十四、 登革熱疫情發燒 基隆大武崙傳一病例 (基隆市 P4)
追查後確定 為境外移入再被感染 現已痊癒 衛局提醒小心防範
十五、 防堵登革熱 疾管局將使用機場快速檢驗 (長青保健 P11)
北市衛局籲 民眾若出現紅疹、關節痛、發燒等疑似症狀 應儘速就醫
一、 本土性登革熱 基隆驚見1例 (都會新聞 C4)
二、 登革熱 又傳3名疑似個案 (北市教育 C)
一人住松山 曾到社子河濱公園運動 另二人都住社子社中街
三、 本土登革熱增3疑例 (北市新聞 B6)
四、 本土性登革熱 基隆出現首例 (地方基隆)
五、 登革熱症狀與預防 (地方基隆)
六、 全國首例出血性登革熱 在楠梓 (地方高雄)
七、 高市評論》別讓空汙、登革熱揚名 (地方高市)
八、 防登革熱 北市下週全面消毒 (大台北社區新聞 A15)
群聚疫情另3病例 檢驗結果今出爐
九、 北市登革熱群染 11確例 (醫藥資訊 C2)
十、 基市也傳1例本土登革熱 (醫藥資訊 C2)
十一、 星馬曲弓熱疫情 再惡化 (醫藥資訊 C2)
十二、 北市爆本土登革熱群聚感染 屬同一波疫情 (北市新聞 P14)
十三、 登革熱疫情發燒 基隆衛局籲小心防範 (基隆新聞 P16)
十四、 登革熱疫情發燒 基隆大武崙傳一病例 (基隆市 P4)
追查後確定 為境外移入再被感染 現已痊癒 衛局提醒小心防範
十五、 防堵登革熱 疾管局將使用機場快速檢驗 (長青保健 P11)
北市衛局籲 民眾若出現紅疹、關節痛、發燒等疑似症狀 應儘速就醫
2008年8月20日 星期三
台北市本土登革熱 (台北市:我們已經準備好了)
一、 北市社子島 爆登革熱群聚感染 (都會新聞 版頭C4)
二、 近10年最大規模 北市爆發本土登革熱感染群 (話題 版頭A7)
已證實11人感染 都住再社子島社中街一帶 感染源至今仍找不到 社子島自行車道不少民眾假日休閒 應防叮咬
三、 郝龍斌:二度感染 可能致命 (話題 A7)
四、 登革熱 噴藥急就章 社子居民心慌 (北市教育 版頭C)
沒配套 又不敢廣播 多戶漏噴 里長要求普發消毒液 避免疫情擴大
五、 專家提醒 每周一次 手電筒清查積水 (北市教育 C)
六、 今年53例》熱病居冠 陳菊:備戰 (地方高雄)
七、 高市整頓公有市場 10月廢大智 (地方高雄)
八、 社子島登革熱 累計達11例 (台北焦點 版頭B5)
九、 橋頭、梓官大社、仁武4鄉鎮病媒蚊指數高 應加強戰疫 (地方高雄)
十、 社子爆登革熱 同街11例 (蘋果 要聞 A6)
北市一疑例今檢驗出爐 將是擴散指標
十一、 登革熱10最嚴重 社子島1街爆11例 北市加強噴藥 河濱騎車注意防蚊 (爽報)
十二、 本土登革熱延燒 楠梓爆第2波流行 全台累計75例 市府拆髒亂違建防堵 (爽報)
十三、 登革熱疫情北高竄燒 (保健報 版頭C1)
兩地病毒株不同 高市新增13例 集中在楠梓區 北市11例全再社子島社中街一帶
十四、 紅色警戒 北市啟動防疫措施 (保健報 C1)
展開噴藥消毒 清除病媒蚊孳生源 研判指標病例是赴緬甸旅遊被感染
十五、 高縣登革熱病媒蚊指數 拉警報 (醫藥資訊 C2)
橋頭、梓官等 逾八成五村里達三級以上
十六、 防治登革熱 陳菊促拆楠梓違建 (醫藥資訊 C2)
要求三天內拆除 籲做好自我環境衛生管理
十七、 北市登革熱多8病例 衛局進行噴藥 (北市新聞 P14)
十八、 登革熱疫情 南北兩頭燒 (長青保健 P11)
高市楠梓區有繼續上升趨勢 已達57人(含三民區1例) 北市集中士林社子島 計11人
十九、 北市11人近10年最大規模感染群聚 (長青保健 P11)
衛生署籲前往社子島休閒或騎腳踏車 應做好防蚊準備
【Taipei Times】
二十、 Dengue fever ‘red alert’ declared in Taipei City (Taiwan P2)
【China Post】
二十一、 53 dengue cases confirmed in Kaohsiung this summer (Local P19)
二十二、 Dominican VP hospitalized with dengue fever (International P3)
一、 北市社子島 爆登革熱群聚感染 (都會新聞 版頭C4)
二、 近10年最大規模 北市爆發本土登革熱感染群 (話題 版頭A7)
已證實11人感染 都住再社子島社中街一帶 感染源至今仍找不到 社子島自行車道不少民眾假日休閒 應防叮咬
三、 郝龍斌:二度感染 可能致命 (話題 A7)
四、 登革熱 噴藥急就章 社子居民心慌 (北市教育 版頭C)
沒配套 又不敢廣播 多戶漏噴 里長要求普發消毒液 避免疫情擴大
五、 專家提醒 每周一次 手電筒清查積水 (北市教育 C)
六、 今年53例》熱病居冠 陳菊:備戰 (地方高雄)
七、 高市整頓公有市場 10月廢大智 (地方高雄)
八、 社子島登革熱 累計達11例 (台北焦點 版頭B5)
九、 橋頭、梓官大社、仁武4鄉鎮病媒蚊指數高 應加強戰疫 (地方高雄)
十、 社子爆登革熱 同街11例 (蘋果 要聞 A6)
北市一疑例今檢驗出爐 將是擴散指標
十一、 登革熱10最嚴重 社子島1街爆11例 北市加強噴藥 河濱騎車注意防蚊 (爽報)
十二、 本土登革熱延燒 楠梓爆第2波流行 全台累計75例 市府拆髒亂違建防堵 (爽報)
十三、 登革熱疫情北高竄燒 (保健報 版頭C1)
兩地病毒株不同 高市新增13例 集中在楠梓區 北市11例全再社子島社中街一帶
十四、 紅色警戒 北市啟動防疫措施 (保健報 C1)
展開噴藥消毒 清除病媒蚊孳生源 研判指標病例是赴緬甸旅遊被感染
十五、 高縣登革熱病媒蚊指數 拉警報 (醫藥資訊 C2)
橋頭、梓官等 逾八成五村里達三級以上
十六、 防治登革熱 陳菊促拆楠梓違建 (醫藥資訊 C2)
要求三天內拆除 籲做好自我環境衛生管理
十七、 北市登革熱多8病例 衛局進行噴藥 (北市新聞 P14)
十八、 登革熱疫情 南北兩頭燒 (長青保健 P11)
高市楠梓區有繼續上升趨勢 已達57人(含三民區1例) 北市集中士林社子島 計11人
十九、 北市11人近10年最大規模感染群聚 (長青保健 P11)
衛生署籲前往社子島休閒或騎腳踏車 應做好防蚊準備
【Taipei Times】
二十、 Dengue fever ‘red alert’ declared in Taipei City (Taiwan P2)
【China Post】
二十一、 53 dengue cases confirmed in Kaohsiung this summer (Local P19)
二十二、 Dominican VP hospitalized with dengue fever (International P3)
2008年8月19日 星期二
一、 西班牙流感患者抗體 仍可殺死H1N1 (中時 生活新聞A10)
二、 1918 flu antibodies found in survivors living now (IHT 3)
三、 Survivors still carry potent protection against flu of 1918 (Taipei Times國際新聞7)
四、 Blood still protects against long-gone killer 1918 flu (China Post 11)
五、 Bacteria played role in 1918 viral flu death (China Post 3版頭)
1. 柬埔寨通過獸醫相關法律,加強規範獸醫服務、加強通報禽流感等急性傳染病,並制定疾病控制政策。另將於近期接受聯合國之協助在該國各大活禽市場宣傳禽流感防控知識。[Reuters] [新華網]
2. 日本政府於08/14提供超過740,000劑Tamiflu給越南政府,以對抗越南近來日益嚴重之禽流感疫情。[DNI]
3. 美國馬里蘭州大學研究人員於PLoS ONE期刊指出, H9N2的禽流感病毒,也可能對人類構成威脅。研究顯示,在禽類出現並流行的H9N2病毒,只要幾次變種,就能讓人感染與傳播。[中央廣播電視台、Science News]
4. 南韓政府表示,根據「國際獸疫防治組織」動物衛生監督規章,08/17起南韓重新具備無禽流感疫情國家的條件。南韓也要求發生禽流感後停止進口南韓雞鴨的國家,重新恢復進口。[朝鮮日報 、DNI、Washington Times]
5. 美國科學家在《自然》期刊發表指出,1918年流感大流行倖存的受測者中,血液裡面仍有破壞H5N1病毒的抗體,部分自願者甚至有著製造這些抗體的細胞。此研究成果或可幫助開發用於未來大爆發時的緊急治療藥物。[BBC NEWS、The Associated Press、Science Daily]
6. 台灣行政院農委會動植物防疫檢疫局08/18邀集各縣市政府農業處及家禽電宰公會,研商加強家禽違法屠宰行為查緝,防檢局打算訂定各縣市違法屠宰家禽查緝目標,以確保屠宰衛生安全。[商情網]
7. 英國諾丁漢特倫特大學的科學家正在研制的一種便攜式儀器,將能在兩小時內判斷是否為禽流感病例。此設備將能用在懷疑爆發禽流感的現場和懷疑感染病毒的個人。[Times Online]
二、 1918 flu antibodies found in survivors living now (IHT 3)
三、 Survivors still carry potent protection against flu of 1918 (Taipei Times國際新聞7)
四、 Blood still protects against long-gone killer 1918 flu (China Post 11)
五、 Bacteria played role in 1918 viral flu death (China Post 3版頭)
1. 柬埔寨通過獸醫相關法律,加強規範獸醫服務、加強通報禽流感等急性傳染病,並制定疾病控制政策。另將於近期接受聯合國之協助在該國各大活禽市場宣傳禽流感防控知識。[Reuters] [新華網]
2. 日本政府於08/14提供超過740,000劑Tamiflu給越南政府,以對抗越南近來日益嚴重之禽流感疫情。[DNI]
3. 美國馬里蘭州大學研究人員於PLoS ONE期刊指出, H9N2的禽流感病毒,也可能對人類構成威脅。研究顯示,在禽類出現並流行的H9N2病毒,只要幾次變種,就能讓人感染與傳播。[中央廣播電視台、Science News]
4. 南韓政府表示,根據「國際獸疫防治組織」動物衛生監督規章,08/17起南韓重新具備無禽流感疫情國家的條件。南韓也要求發生禽流感後停止進口南韓雞鴨的國家,重新恢復進口。[朝鮮日報 、DNI、Washington Times]
5. 美國科學家在《自然》期刊發表指出,1918年流感大流行倖存的受測者中,血液裡面仍有破壞H5N1病毒的抗體,部分自願者甚至有著製造這些抗體的細胞。此研究成果或可幫助開發用於未來大爆發時的緊急治療藥物。[BBC NEWS、The Associated Press、Science Daily]
6. 台灣行政院農委會動植物防疫檢疫局08/18邀集各縣市政府農業處及家禽電宰公會,研商加強家禽違法屠宰行為查緝,防檢局打算訂定各縣市違法屠宰家禽查緝目標,以確保屠宰衛生安全。[商情網]
7. 英國諾丁漢特倫特大學的科學家正在研制的一種便攜式儀器,將能在兩小時內判斷是否為禽流感病例。此設備將能用在懷疑爆發禽流感的現場和懷疑感染病毒的個人。[Times Online]
一、 登革熱境外移入破百例 創新高(蘋果 健康A14)
二、 高市楠梓登革熱本土病例 新增13例 (民眾 生活綜合7)
三、 高市登革熱 新增13本土確例 (中華 醫藥資訊C2)
二、 高市楠梓登革熱本土病例 新增13例 (民眾 生活綜合7)
三、 高市登革熱 新增13本土確例 (中華 醫藥資訊C2)
2008年8月18日 星期一
Singapore on Saturday [16 Aug 2008] reported 9 new cases of mosquito-borne chikungunya fever, bringing to 117 the total number of such cases this year.......
Singapore on Saturday [16 Aug 2008] reported 9 new cases of mosquito-borne chikungunya fever, bringing to 117 the total number of such cases this year.......
2008年8月15日 星期五
[Singapore is struggling to halt chikungunya virus transmission, despite active efforts to find and eliminate _Aedes_ virus vector breeding sites, illustrating the difficulty of vector control campaigns........
Source: People's Daily Online, Xinhua News Agency report [edited]<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90001/90782/6474955.html>
Source: People's Daily Online, Xinhua News Agency report [edited]<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90001/90782/6474955.html>
2008年8月13日 星期三
Seroprevalence surveys:
- 8 percent of healthy persons and 26.1 percent of dogs in Catalonia
- highest rates in semirural areas (1997)
- 8.7 percent of persons in southern Spain (2002)
- 3.4 percent of persons in southern Spain (Bar29 infection, 2006 publication)
- 3.7 percent of persons in Catalonia (Rickettsia slovaca, 2008 publication)
- 56.4 percent of dogs in northeastern Spain (2006 publication)
- 24.6 percent of dogs in Ourense and Pontevedra (northwestern Spain,2008 publication)
- 44 percent of cats in northeastern Spain (2006 publication)
Spotted Fever-group Rickettsia in Spain
Seroprevalence surveys:
- 8 percent of healthy persons and 26.1 percent of dogs in Catalonia
- highest rates in semirural areas (1997)
- 8.7 percent of persons in southern Spain (2002)
- 3.4 percent of persons in southern Spain (Bar29 infection, 2006 publication)
- 3.7 percent of persons in Catalonia (Rickettsia slovaca, 2008 publication)
- 56.4 percent of dogs in northeastern Spain (2006 publication)
- 24.6 percent of dogs in Ourense and Pontevedra (northwestern Spain,2008 publication)
- 44 percent of cats in northeastern Spain (2006 publication)
Spotted Fever-group Rickettsia in Spain
2008年8月12日 星期二
[1] Singapore
[2] Italy ex Sri Lanka
On his return to Bologna, a 50-year-old man who had been on holiday in Sri Lanka developed a high fever, joint pains, and widespread malaise. In the beginning of August [2008], the man consulted his doctor and was admitted to the Maggiore Hospital with a [diagnosis of chikungunya virus infection].
On 31 Jul 2008 the man, who is from Sri Lanka, returned to Bologna where he has lived for years. He spent the night at the home of his son who picked him up at the airport. The day after [1 Aug 2008], he felt the 1st symptoms of viral fever, went to his doctor, and then to the hospital.
Fausto France, chief of the Department of Hygiene and Public Health of dell'Ausl Bologna confirmed the diagnosis. France pointed out that the man had contracted the virus (which is transmitted only by the bite of tiger mosquitoes) abroad, that his condition is good, and that he could be discharged during the day. [The Asian tiger mosquito, _Aedes albopictus_ is a recognized vector of chikungunya virus, and so is _Ae. aegypti_. - Mod.TY]
Although the man had been home only for a few hours, the regional protocol [was implemented] for the elimination of [mosquito] larvae within a radius of 100 meters from the place in which there are known cases of [chikungunya virus] infection. Consequently, the Municipality has ordered an urgent, emergency health care cleanup of the area.
[2] Italy ex Sri Lanka
On his return to Bologna, a 50-year-old man who had been on holiday in Sri Lanka developed a high fever, joint pains, and widespread malaise. In the beginning of August [2008], the man consulted his doctor and was admitted to the Maggiore Hospital with a [diagnosis of chikungunya virus infection].
On 31 Jul 2008 the man, who is from Sri Lanka, returned to Bologna where he has lived for years. He spent the night at the home of his son who picked him up at the airport. The day after [1 Aug 2008], he felt the 1st symptoms of viral fever, went to his doctor, and then to the hospital.
Fausto France, chief of the Department of Hygiene and Public Health of dell'Ausl Bologna confirmed the diagnosis. France pointed out that the man had contracted the virus (which is transmitted only by the bite of tiger mosquitoes) abroad, that his condition is good, and that he could be discharged during the day. [The Asian tiger mosquito, _Aedes albopictus_ is a recognized vector of chikungunya virus, and so is _Ae. aegypti_. - Mod.TY]
Although the man had been home only for a few hours, the regional protocol [was implemented] for the elimination of [mosquito] larvae within a radius of 100 meters from the place in which there are known cases of [chikungunya virus] infection. Consequently, the Municipality has ordered an urgent, emergency health care cleanup of the area.
Investigators at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) [Spain]and of the Parc Tauli Hospital in Sabadell have detected more than 40cases of a rare infectious disease, which is transmitted by ticksthat feed on wild boars and which is primarily affecting children.......
Based on the information given, the information strongly suggests that the illness reported is tick-borne lymphadenopathy, a disease caused by Rickettsia slovaca with the tick vector being Dermacentor marginatus. Reported from Spain initially in 2004 (1) [see ProMED ref. at end], the infection had previously been reported from France (2) and Hungary (3), both in 1997.
1. Otto JA, Ibarra V, Blanco JR, et al: Dermacentor-borne necrosis erythema and lymphadenopathy: clinical and epidemiological features of a new tick-borne disease. Clin Microbiol Infect 2004;10: 327-331.
2. Raoult D, Berbis P, Roux V, et al: A new tick-transmitted disease due to Rickettsia slovaca. Lancet 1997;350: 112-113.
3. Lakos A: Tick-borne lymphadenopathy - a new rickettsial disease? Lancet 1997;350: 1006.
4. Raoult D, Lakos A, Fenollar F, et al: Spotless rickettsiosis caused by Rickettsia slovaca and associated with _Dermacentor_ ticks. Clin Infect Dis 2002;34: 1331-1336.
Based on the information given, the information strongly suggests that the illness reported is tick-borne lymphadenopathy, a disease caused by Rickettsia slovaca with the tick vector being Dermacentor marginatus. Reported from Spain initially in 2004 (1) [see ProMED ref. at end], the infection had previously been reported from France (2) and Hungary (3), both in 1997.
1. Otto JA, Ibarra V, Blanco JR, et al: Dermacentor-borne necrosis erythema and lymphadenopathy: clinical and epidemiological features of a new tick-borne disease. Clin Microbiol Infect 2004;10: 327-331.
2. Raoult D, Berbis P, Roux V, et al: A new tick-transmitted disease due to Rickettsia slovaca. Lancet 1997;350: 112-113.
3. Lakos A: Tick-borne lymphadenopathy - a new rickettsial disease? Lancet 1997;350: 1006.
4. Raoult D, Lakos A, Fenollar F, et al: Spotless rickettsiosis caused by Rickettsia slovaca and associated with _Dermacentor_ ticks. Clin Infect Dis 2002;34: 1331-1336.
2008年8月9日 星期六
Two imported chikungunya cases, taiwan
Novel Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia, Taiwan
Kun-Hsien Tsai, Hsi-Chieh Wang, Chun-Hsien Chen, Jyh-Hsiung Huang, Hsiu-Ying Lu, Chien-Ling Su, AND Pei-Yun Shu
Isolation and Identification of a Novel Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia, Strain IG-1, from Ixodes granulatus Ticks Collected on Orchid Island (Lanyu), Taiwan Am J Trop Med Hyg 2008 79: 256-261. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]
Isolation and Identification of a Novel Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia, Strain IG-1, from Ixodes granulatus Ticks Collected on Orchid Island (Lanyu), Taiwan Am J Trop Med Hyg 2008 79: 256-261. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]
2008年8月8日 星期五
Another chikungunya virus outbreak hits 18 in Singapore
Chikungunya (30): Singapore 20080803.2381
Chikungunya (29): Malaysia (Perak) 20080729.2319
Chikungunya (28): Indonesia (Bali) 20080720.2198
Chikungunya (27): India (Kerala), susp., RFI 20080711.2114
Chikungunya (26): Malaysia (Johor), susp. 20080628.1992
Chikungunya (30): Singapore 20080803.2381
Chikungunya (29): Malaysia (Perak) 20080729.2319
Chikungunya (28): Indonesia (Bali) 20080720.2198
Chikungunya (27): India (Kerala), susp., RFI 20080711.2114
Chikungunya (26): Malaysia (Johor), susp. 20080628.1992
病毒也會生病 (來自法國馬賽立克次體參考實驗室的發現)
一、 病毒也會生病 證明是生物(中時 生活A12)
二、 醫界大驚奇 病毒也會生病(台灣新生報 頭版)
三、 醫學大突破 病毒受病毒感染 也會生病(中華 醫藥C2)
四、 Even viruses get sick to infect other virus(China Post Int’l 3)
一、 病毒也會生病 證明是生物(中時 生活A12)
二、 醫界大驚奇 病毒也會生病(台灣新生報 頭版)
三、 醫學大突破 病毒受病毒感染 也會生病(中華 醫藥C2)
四、 Even viruses get sick to infect other virus(China Post Int’l 3)
一、 日本腦炎病例 縣內今年首例(自由電子報 桃園)
二、 青少年罹日本腦炎 桃縣今年首例(中華 醫藥C2)
一、 星屈公熱 再添17例(中華 保健C3)
一、 日本腦炎病例 縣內今年首例(自由電子報 桃園)
二、 青少年罹日本腦炎 桃縣今年首例(中華 醫藥C2)
一、 星屈公熱 再添17例(中華 保健C3)
2008年8月7日 星期四
Anaplasmosis (formerly called human granulocytic ehrlichiosis, or HGE)
中國山東省文登市萬家口村證實4人感染人類粒細胞無形體病(Human granulocytic anaplasmosis,HGA),首例為43歲男性農民,6/18因發燒、白血球及血小板減少住院,6/23不治死亡;其父親亦證實感染,7/1發病,7/10死亡;另2例來自同村,分別於7/2及7/5發病,治療後各於7/13及7/14出院。HGA係由 Anaplasma phagocytophilum立克次體引起之蜱媒人畜共通傳染病,症狀主要為發燒、頭痛、肌肉關節疼痛、白血球及血小板減少等,抗生素可有效治療。
Ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis are two closely related tick-borne diseases, caused by different germs. Although both diseases concentrate east of the Rocky Mountains, they usually occur in different areas. Ehrlichiosis, or human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME), is found mainly in the mid-Atlantic, southeastern, and south central states. Anaplasmosis (formerly called human granulocytic ehrlichiosis, or HGE) occurs more often in the Northeast and upper Midwest.
中國山東省文登市萬家口村證實4人感染人類粒細胞無形體病(Human granulocytic anaplasmosis,HGA),首例為43歲男性農民,6/18因發燒、白血球及血小板減少住院,6/23不治死亡;其父親亦證實感染,7/1發病,7/10死亡;另2例來自同村,分別於7/2及7/5發病,治療後各於7/13及7/14出院。HGA係由 Anaplasma phagocytophilum立克次體引起之蜱媒人畜共通傳染病,症狀主要為發燒、頭痛、肌肉關節疼痛、白血球及血小板減少等,抗生素可有效治療。
Ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis are two closely related tick-borne diseases, caused by different germs. Although both diseases concentrate east of the Rocky Mountains, they usually occur in different areas. Ehrlichiosis, or human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME), is found mainly in the mid-Atlantic, southeastern, and south central states. Anaplasmosis (formerly called human granulocytic ehrlichiosis, or HGE) occurs more often in the Northeast and upper Midwest.
一、 國內C肝病毒 發現新基因型 (中華 保健報C1版頭)
二、 毒癮囚犯驗出C肝病毒 疑自大陸與東南亞感染 (新生 長青保健11)
三、 台灣新C肝病毒基因 針毒 (自由 生活新聞A14)
四、 吸毒刺青族群 C肝盛行率近9成7 (民眾 生活綜合7)
五、 妳針我針傳C肝 哇!愛滋的10倍 (聯合 生活/文化A8)
六、 C肝毒癮患者 首見境外新型 (中時 生活新聞A11)
二、 毒癮囚犯驗出C肝病毒 疑自大陸與東南亞感染 (新生 長青保健11)
三、 台灣新C肝病毒基因 針毒 (自由 生活新聞A14)
四、 吸毒刺青族群 C肝盛行率近9成7 (民眾 生活綜合7)
五、 妳針我針傳C肝 哇!愛滋的10倍 (聯合 生活/文化A8)
六、 C肝毒癮患者 首見境外新型 (中時 生活新聞A11)
一、 英學者用蛆 研發新型抗生素 (中華 醫藥資訊C2)
二、 蛆有大用 製新藥剋抗藥性細菌 (新生 聚焦9)
三、 British researchers develop new drug – with maggots (China Post 11)
二、 蛆有大用 製新藥剋抗藥性細菌 (新生 聚焦9)
三、 British researchers develop new drug – with maggots (China Post 11)
2008年8月5日 星期二
一、高市登革熱確例 增三例 (中華 醫藥資訊 C2)
楠梓區列重點防疫 衛局擴大疫調並消除孳生源
二、楠梓宅男 學開車感染登革熱 (聯合 地方高雄)
三、高雄縣登革熱第3例 補習班男生 (聯合 地方烏松)
四、高縣市登革熱疫情升高 (民眾 頭版二)
五、防登革熱,桃縣衛局推廣養食蚊魚 (自由 地方桃園)
楠梓區列重點防疫 衛局擴大疫調並消除孳生源
二、楠梓宅男 學開車感染登革熱 (聯合 地方高雄)
三、高雄縣登革熱第3例 補習班男生 (聯合 地方烏松)
四、高縣市登革熱疫情升高 (民眾 頭版二)
五、防登革熱,桃縣衛局推廣養食蚊魚 (自由 地方桃園)
2008年8月4日 星期一
Chikungunya fever, like dengue fever, is a mosquito-borne disease, and the best way to prevent chikungunya fever is to take precautionary measures to prevent mosquito breeding.
The 1st case of chikungunya fever, which is characterized by sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, joint pain with or without swelling, and low back pain, was reported in Singapore in January this year [2008].
Chikungunya (29): Malaysia (Perak) 20080729.2319
Chikungunya (28): Indonesia (Bali) 20080720.2198
Chikungunya (27): India (Kerala), susp., RFI 20080711.2114......
Chikungunya fever, like dengue fever, is a mosquito-borne disease, and the best way to prevent chikungunya fever is to take precautionary measures to prevent mosquito breeding.
The 1st case of chikungunya fever, which is characterized by sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, joint pain with or without swelling, and low back pain, was reported in Singapore in January this year [2008].
Chikungunya (29): Malaysia (Perak) 20080729.2319
Chikungunya (28): Indonesia (Bali) 20080720.2198
Chikungunya (27): India (Kerala), susp., RFI 20080711.2114......
2008年7月30日 星期三
An outbreak of chikungunya virus disease has now moved further northward in the Malay Peninsula. Previously, a suspected outbreak of chikungunya virus infection was reported in Johor State, Malaysia, in the 28 Jun 2008 ProMED-mail archive no. 20080628.1992. This outbreak is in the southern part of Perak State, 100 km (62 miles) north of Kuala Lumpur.......
A map showing the location of the Slim River area in Malaysia can be accessed at<http://www.fallingrain.com/world/MY/7/Slim_River.html>. - Mod.TY]
An outbreak of chikungunya virus disease has now moved further northward in the Malay Peninsula. Previously, a suspected outbreak of chikungunya virus infection was reported in Johor State, Malaysia, in the 28 Jun 2008 ProMED-mail archive no. 20080628.1992. This outbreak is in the southern part of Perak State, 100 km (62 miles) north of Kuala Lumpur.......
A map showing the location of the Slim River area in Malaysia can be accessed at<http://www.fallingrain.com/world/MY/7/Slim_River.html>. - Mod.TY]
一、 赴緬甸賑災 群聚染登革熱返台 (生活新聞 版頭A10)
二、 登革熱又一例 消毒防蚊孳生 (地方鳳山)
三、 防堵登革熱 衛局籲疑似病患篩檢 (地方台南)
四、 本土登革熱確定病例 高縣傳出第2例 (地方高縣)
五、 赴緬11人志工團 10人染登革熱 (生活新聞 A11)
六、 本土型登革熱 添第二例 (地方高雄)
七、 日前發現第2例本土性登革熱 高縣籲做好雨後清潔 以免孳生蚊蟲 (生活綜合 P7)
八、 爆入夏以來首例本土性登革熱 南市183支採血樣本 無陽性個案 (生活綜合 P7)
九、 宗教團體緬甸賑災 集體染登革熱 (生活綜合 版頭P7)
十、 上周本土登革熱病例 添10例 (長青保健 P11)
十一、 投促清除登革熱孳生源 (綜合新聞 P6)
十二、 國內傳境外移入群具感染登革熱 (聚焦 P9)
衛署證實11人宗教團體到緬甸當義工 其中10人遭感染
十三、 高縣本土登革熱 入下第二例 (醫藥資訊 C2)
十四、 赴緬賑災義工 集體染登革熱 (醫藥資訊 版頭C2)
10人感染境外移入登革熱 分布四縣市 位屬完成採檢及環境消毒
一、 赴緬甸賑災 群聚染登革熱返台 (生活新聞 版頭A10)
二、 登革熱又一例 消毒防蚊孳生 (地方鳳山)
三、 防堵登革熱 衛局籲疑似病患篩檢 (地方台南)
四、 本土登革熱確定病例 高縣傳出第2例 (地方高縣)
五、 赴緬11人志工團 10人染登革熱 (生活新聞 A11)
六、 本土型登革熱 添第二例 (地方高雄)
七、 日前發現第2例本土性登革熱 高縣籲做好雨後清潔 以免孳生蚊蟲 (生活綜合 P7)
八、 爆入夏以來首例本土性登革熱 南市183支採血樣本 無陽性個案 (生活綜合 P7)
九、 宗教團體緬甸賑災 集體染登革熱 (生活綜合 版頭P7)
十、 上周本土登革熱病例 添10例 (長青保健 P11)
十一、 投促清除登革熱孳生源 (綜合新聞 P6)
十二、 國內傳境外移入群具感染登革熱 (聚焦 P9)
衛署證實11人宗教團體到緬甸當義工 其中10人遭感染
十三、 高縣本土登革熱 入下第二例 (醫藥資訊 C2)
十四、 赴緬賑災義工 集體染登革熱 (醫藥資訊 版頭C2)
10人感染境外移入登革熱 分布四縣市 位屬完成採檢及環境消毒
2008年7月26日 星期六
Chikungunya and Wolbachia
Volume 14, Number 8–August 2008
Two Imported Chikungunya Cases, TaiwanP.-Y. Shu et al.
Wolbachia: A Bug's Life in Another BugD. Raoult
Volume 14, Number 8–August 2008
Two Imported Chikungunya Cases, TaiwanP.-Y. Shu et al.
Wolbachia: A Bug's Life in Another BugD. Raoult
2008年7月24日 星期四
From ProMED-mail post<http://www.promedmail.org>
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (11) 20080716.2160
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (10) 20080709.2096
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (09) 20080707.2056
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (08) 20080627.1976
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (07) 20080612.1850
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (06) 20080604.1788
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (05) 20080517.1646
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (04) 20080407.1278
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (03) 20080329.1171
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (02) 20080327.1144
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (01) 20080313.1007
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (11) 20080716.2160
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (10) 20080709.2096
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (09) 20080707.2056
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (08) 20080627.1976
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (07) 20080612.1850
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (06) 20080604.1788
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (05) 20080517.1646
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (04) 20080407.1278
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (03) 20080329.1171
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (02) 20080327.1144
West Nile virus update 2008 - Western Hemisphere (01) 20080313.1007
一、 疑似登革熱 府城今年首例(聯合電子報 台南)
二、 南市50區里 病媒蚊逾三級(民眾 生活7)
三、 金田里本土登革熱 新添4例(蘋果電子報 高雄)
四、 病媒蚊飆高 「疫」觸即發(聯合電子報 高市)
五、 登革熱病媒蚊指數 增高(中時電子報 高縣)
六、 高縣爆本土登革熱病例 感染源恐來自高市楠梓(民眾 生活7)
七、 Kaohsiung County reports first indigenous dengue case(Taipei Times Taiwan 2)
八、 比賽防疫 立委促設專案小組(中時電子報 高雄)
二、 南市50區里 病媒蚊逾三級(民眾 生活7)
三、 金田里本土登革熱 新添4例(蘋果電子報 高雄)
四、 病媒蚊飆高 「疫」觸即發(聯合電子報 高市)
五、 登革熱病媒蚊指數 增高(中時電子報 高縣)
六、 高縣爆本土登革熱病例 感染源恐來自高市楠梓(民眾 生活7)
七、 Kaohsiung County reports first indigenous dengue case(Taipei Times Taiwan 2)
八、 比賽防疫 立委促設專案小組(中時電子報 高雄)
2008年7月23日 星期三
登革熱20080723 (出血性登革熱)
一、 今夏首例 本土登革熱來了(聯合電子報 高雄)
二、 出血性登革熱 高市今年首例(中華 醫藥C2版頭)
三、 高雄入夏首例本土登革熱(中華 醫藥C2)
四、 今年登革熱本土病例 達22人(新生 長青11)
五、 高市登革熱疫情增溫 黃昭順籲組防疫小組(民眾 生活7)
二、 出血性登革熱 高市今年首例(中華 醫藥C2版頭)
三、 高雄入夏首例本土登革熱(中華 醫藥C2)
四、 今年登革熱本土病例 達22人(新生 長青11)
五、 高市登革熱疫情增溫 黃昭順籲組防疫小組(民眾 生活7)
2008年7月19日 星期六
2008年7月17日 星期四
登革熱20080717 (境外移入屏東首例)
一、 境外移入登革熱 屏縣出現首例 (中華 醫藥資訊 C2)
二、 屏縣出現首例境外移入登革熱 (新生 綜合新聞 P7)
三、 東港船員境外移入登革熱 (民眾 生活綜合 P7)
四、 屏縣傳出首例境外登革熱 (中時 地方屏東)
五、 染登革熱 船員帶回國 (聯合 地方屏東)
六、 登革熱升溫 安南區防疫總動員 (中時 地方台南)
七、 監視病媒蚊 積水呈陽性名單公佈 (中時 地方台南)
二、 屏縣出現首例境外移入登革熱 (新生 綜合新聞 P7)
三、 東港船員境外移入登革熱 (民眾 生活綜合 P7)
四、 屏縣傳出首例境外登革熱 (中時 地方屏東)
五、 染登革熱 船員帶回國 (聯合 地方屏東)
六、 登革熱升溫 安南區防疫總動員 (中時 地方台南)
七、 監視病媒蚊 積水呈陽性名單公佈 (中時 地方台南)
2008年7月16日 星期三
一、 高市登革熱疫情發燒 新增8例 (中華 保健報C1版頭)
二、 楠梓區金田里是感染源 (中華 保健報C1)
三、 登革熱發燒 腸病毒降溫 (新生 聚焦9)
四、 腸病毒趨緩 登革熱蠢動 (民眾 頭版二)
五、 高雄再增八例本土登革熱 (自由 生活新聞A13)
六、 高市再添八登革熱本土病例 (中時 生活新聞A8)
一、 高市登革熱疫情發燒 新增8例 (中華 保健報C1版頭)
二、 楠梓區金田里是感染源 (中華 保健報C1)
三、 登革熱發燒 腸病毒降溫 (新生 聚焦9)
四、 腸病毒趨緩 登革熱蠢動 (民眾 頭版二)
五、 高雄再增八例本土登革熱 (自由 生活新聞A13)
六、 高市再添八登革熱本土病例 (中時 生活新聞A8)
2008年7月10日 星期四
一、 【投稿】警告陸客 當心染登革熱(聯合A13民意)
二、 境外移入 登革熱屈公熱各增一例(中時電子報 桃園)
三、 桃發現境外移入登革熱、屈公熱確定病例(中華 醫藥C2)
二、 境外移入 登革熱屈公熱各增一例(中時電子報 桃園)
三、 桃發現境外移入登革熱、屈公熱確定病例(中華 醫藥C2)
2008年7月4日 星期五
2008年6月23日 星期一
Dengue Paper 20080623
A strong endoplasmic reticulum retention signal in the stem-anchor region of envelope glycoprotein of dengue virus type 2 affects the production of virus-like particles.
SC Hsieh, IJ Liu, CC King, GJ Chang, and WK WangVirology, May 2008; 374(2): 338-50.
Cholesterol Effectively Blocks Entry of Flavivirus
Chyan-Jang Lee, Hui-Ru Lin, Ching-Len Liao, and Yi-Ling LinJ. Virol., Jul 2008; 82: 6470 - 6480.
SC Hsieh, IJ Liu, CC King, GJ Chang, and WK WangVirology, May 2008; 374(2): 338-50.
Cholesterol Effectively Blocks Entry of Flavivirus
Chyan-Jang Lee, Hui-Ru Lin, Ching-Len Liao, and Yi-Ling LinJ. Virol., Jul 2008; 82: 6470 - 6480.
2008年6月19日 星期四
Bad guys really do get the most girls
男人不壞 女人不愛
Bad guys really do get the most girls
NICE guys knew it, now two studies have confirmed it: bad boys get the most girls. The finding may help explain why a nasty suite of antisocial personality traits known as the "dark triad" persists in the human population, despite their potentially grave cultural costs...........
Bad guys really do get the most girls
NICE guys knew it, now two studies have confirmed it: bad boys get the most girls. The finding may help explain why a nasty suite of antisocial personality traits known as the "dark triad" persists in the human population, despite their potentially grave cultural costs...........
2008年6月8日 星期日
2008年6月6日 星期五
腸病毒 20080603 from Taiwan CDC
一、 單周23例重症 腸病毒疫情警崩 (焦點新聞 版頭A3)
二、 多所附幼停課 北市亮黃燈 (焦點新聞 A3)
三、 腸病毒重症19例 端節是危險期 (中時 地方屏東)
四、 腸病毒侵襲澎湖 4托兒所停課 (中時 地方澎湖)
五、 腸病毒拉警報 全縣上周278人就醫 (中時 地方竹縣)
六、 重症暴增 腸病毒往北竄 (生活 版頭A6)
七、 北市21班停課中 (生活 A6)
八、 就小命 林口長庚出動葉克膜 (生活 A6)
九、 腸病毒延燒 國小、幼托紛停課 (北市教育 版頭C)
十、 基因型改變 幼兒抵抗力偏弱 (北市教育 C)
十一、 腸病毒重症創新高 上週新增23例 (生活新聞 版頭B6)
十二、 腸病毒有秘方? 青草達人:蛤殼草可清熱解毒 (自由 地方高縣)
十三、 腸病毒增23例 月中達高峰 破10年同期最高紀錄 宜縣出現首例 (要聞版頭 A3)
十四、 腸病毒持續發燒 全台36班停課 (頭版頭)
十五、 新加坡手足口症疫情趨緩 病例減少9% (頭版二)
十六、 腸病毒疫情 月中恐達高峰 (長青保健 P15)
十七、 劉揆:再有死亡個案 將成立中央指揮中心 (長青保健 P15)
十八、 腸病毒上週增26例 疫情持續延燒 衛署堆估到8月將有340例 (保健報C1)
十九、 腸病毒升溫 屏縣重症十九例 (醫藥資訊 C2)
二十、 南縣腸病毒重症 創新高 (醫藥資訊 C2)
二十一、 新生兒疑似感染 仍在觀察 (醫藥資訊 C2)
一、 單周23例重症 腸病毒疫情警崩 (焦點新聞 版頭A3)
二、 多所附幼停課 北市亮黃燈 (焦點新聞 A3)
三、 腸病毒重症19例 端節是危險期 (中時 地方屏東)
四、 腸病毒侵襲澎湖 4托兒所停課 (中時 地方澎湖)
五、 腸病毒拉警報 全縣上周278人就醫 (中時 地方竹縣)
六、 重症暴增 腸病毒往北竄 (生活 版頭A6)
七、 北市21班停課中 (生活 A6)
八、 就小命 林口長庚出動葉克膜 (生活 A6)
九、 腸病毒延燒 國小、幼托紛停課 (北市教育 版頭C)
十、 基因型改變 幼兒抵抗力偏弱 (北市教育 C)
十一、 腸病毒重症創新高 上週新增23例 (生活新聞 版頭B6)
十二、 腸病毒有秘方? 青草達人:蛤殼草可清熱解毒 (自由 地方高縣)
十三、 腸病毒增23例 月中達高峰 破10年同期最高紀錄 宜縣出現首例 (要聞版頭 A3)
十四、 腸病毒持續發燒 全台36班停課 (頭版頭)
十五、 新加坡手足口症疫情趨緩 病例減少9% (頭版二)
十六、 腸病毒疫情 月中恐達高峰 (長青保健 P15)
十七、 劉揆:再有死亡個案 將成立中央指揮中心 (長青保健 P15)
十八、 腸病毒上週增26例 疫情持續延燒 衛署堆估到8月將有340例 (保健報C1)
十九、 腸病毒升溫 屏縣重症十九例 (醫藥資訊 C2)
二十、 南縣腸病毒重症 創新高 (醫藥資訊 C2)
二十一、 新生兒疑似感染 仍在觀察 (醫藥資訊 C2)
2008年5月30日 星期五
The number of chikungunya patients has increased 20080523

A mixed dengue-chikungunya outbreak is going on in this location. It would be of interest to know if the chikungunya cases mentioned here were (or will be) laboratory confirmed.
Chikungunya (21): India (Karnataka), RFI 20080527.1723
Chikungunya (20): India (Karnataka) 20080523.1697
Chikungunya (19): India (Karnataka) 20080520.1673
Chikungunya (18): Singapore ex Indonesia, India (Kerala) 20080508.1576
Chikungunya (17): Indonesia (Java) 20080505.1531
Chikungunya (16): India (Karnataka), Sri Lanka RFI 20080504.1524
Chikungunya (15): Sri Lanka (Sabaragamuwa) 20080429.1478Chikungunya (13): Malaysia (Johor) 20080428.1462Chikungunya (12): India (Karnataka) 20080417.1377
Chikungunya (11): India (Kerala) 20080409.1307
Chikungunya (10): Sri Lanka 20080330.1185Undiagnosed deaths - Sri Lanka (North Central): RFI 20080328.1154
Chikungunya (09): Sri Lanka 20080314.1014
Chikungunya (08): Sri Lanka 20080307.0926
Chikungunya, 2006 - India, excess deaths 20080304.0895
Chikungunya (07): Singapore 20080216.0622
Chikungunya (06): Singapore 20080212.0555
Chikungunya (05): Hong Kong ex Sri Lanka 20080201.0398
Chikungunya (04): Singapore 20080128.0349
Chikungunya (03)- Singapore 20080118.0220
Chikungunya - Taiwan ex Indonesia: 2007 20080109.0106
Chikungunya - Indonesia: (Sumatra) 20080104.0051
Chikungunya - India: (West Bengal) 20080102.00132007
2008年5月12日 星期一
登革熱時事 2008.05.12
一、 病例年增3成4 菲登革熱拉警報 (中華 HEALTH C1)
二、 登革熱增3成4 菲常警張 (民眾 生活綜合7)
三、 菲國登革熱 增加三成四 (新生 長青保健11)
一、 病例年增3成4 菲登革熱拉警報 (中華 HEALTH C1)
二、 登革熱增3成4 菲常警張 (民眾 生活綜合7)
三、 菲國登革熱 增加三成四 (新生 長青保健11)
2008年5月11日 星期日
Singapore reports 17th chikungunya case
SINGAPORE, May 8 (Xinhua) -- Singapore's Health Ministry confirmed the 17th case of the mosquito-borne chikungunya disease here on Thursday. The ministry revealed that the latest victim was E. C. Sng, among the four new cases that caught the disease overseas recently.
Sng believed he caught the virus while playing golf at Jakarta's Jagorawi Golf and Country Club a month ago. His infectious period is now over. ........
Rezza G, Nicoletti L, Angelini R. Infection with chikungunya virus in Italy:an outbreak in a temperate region. Lancet 2007; 370: 1840–46.2
SINGAPORE, May 8 (Xinhua) -- Singapore's Health Ministry confirmed the 17th case of the mosquito-borne chikungunya disease here on Thursday. The ministry revealed that the latest victim was E. C. Sng, among the four new cases that caught the disease overseas recently.
Sng believed he caught the virus while playing golf at Jakarta's Jagorawi Golf and Country Club a month ago. His infectious period is now over. ........
Rezza G, Nicoletti L, Angelini R. Infection with chikungunya virus in Italy:an outbreak in a temperate region. Lancet 2007; 370: 1840–46.2
2008年5月10日 星期六
New deadly virus discovered by scientists
Chapare Virus, a Newly Discovered Arenavirus Isolatedfrom a Fatal Hemorrhagic Fever Case in Bolivia PLoS Pathogens 4(4): e100004, 2008.
【大公網訊】拉巴斯消息:玻利維亞最近發現一種能導致病人出血死亡的新病毒,於22日宣佈「全國處於衛生緊急狀態」。 據新華社利馬4月22日電,玻利維亞衛生部當天發佈公告說,玻中部科恰班巴省查帕雷地區最近發現一種由老鼠傳染的新病毒,目前已有3人因感染這種病毒而死亡。 公告指出,科學家們已認定這一新病毒是沙粒病毒的變種,並將它命名為「查帕雷沙粒病毒」。這種病毒內含沙樣顆粒,潛伏期為7天至15天,致死率高達30%以上。
目前,玻衛生部門正採取措施,防止「查帕雷沙粒病毒」蔓延。 http://news.sina.com/int/phoenixtv/105-103-102-101/2008-04-22/21132837475.html
What are the Arenaviridae?
The Arenaviridae are a family of viruses whose members are generally associated with rodent-transmitted disease in humans. Each virus usually is associated with a particular rodent host species in which it is maintained. Arenavirus infections are relatively common in humans in some areas of the world and can cause severe illnesses.
【大公網訊】拉巴斯消息:玻利維亞最近發現一種能導致病人出血死亡的新病毒,於22日宣佈「全國處於衛生緊急狀態」。 據新華社利馬4月22日電,玻利維亞衛生部當天發佈公告說,玻中部科恰班巴省查帕雷地區最近發現一種由老鼠傳染的新病毒,目前已有3人因感染這種病毒而死亡。 公告指出,科學家們已認定這一新病毒是沙粒病毒的變種,並將它命名為「查帕雷沙粒病毒」。這種病毒內含沙樣顆粒,潛伏期為7天至15天,致死率高達30%以上。
目前,玻衛生部門正採取措施,防止「查帕雷沙粒病毒」蔓延。 http://news.sina.com/int/phoenixtv/105-103-102-101/2008-04-22/21132837475.html
What are the Arenaviridae?
The Arenaviridae are a family of viruses whose members are generally associated with rodent-transmitted disease in humans. Each virus usually is associated with a particular rodent host species in which it is maintained. Arenavirus infections are relatively common in humans in some areas of the world and can cause severe illnesses.
2008年5月8日 星期四
2008年5月7日 星期三
衛生署疾病管制局確認今 (2008) 年首例地方性斑疹傷寒境外移入確定病例,個案為22歲男性,於本年4月14日在新加坡出現發燒症狀,自行服用退燒藥後,4月16日來台,後因再度發燒而前往就診。個案目前已痊癒,該局於5月5日確認為今年首例地方性斑疹傷寒境外移入個案。......
地方性斑疹傷寒為一種立克次體 (Rickettsia typhi) 引起的疾病,在自然界以「鼠-蚤-鼠」的循環方式維持傳播,但在老鼠為不顯性感染。......
地方性斑疹傷寒為一種立克次體 (Rickettsia typhi) 引起的疾病,在自然界以「鼠-蚤-鼠」的循環方式維持傳播,但在老鼠為不顯性感染。......
2008年5月6日 星期二
Novel JEV antigen
CLINICAL AND VACCINE IMMUNOLOGY, May 2008, p. 825–835 Vol. 15, No. 5
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays Using Novel JapaneseEncephalitis Virus Antigen Improve the Accuracy ofClinical Diagnosis of Flavivirus Infections
Shyan-Song Chiou,1 Wayne D. Crill,2 Li-Kuang Chen,3 and Gwong-Jen J. Chang2*
The cross-reactive antibodies induced by flavivirus infections confound serodiagnosis and pathogenesis,especially in secondary infections caused by antigenically closely related yet distinct flaviviruses. The envelope(E) glycoprotein fusion peptide contains immunodominant cross-reactive determinants. Using a recombinantJapanese encephalitis virus (JEV) premembrane and E expression plasmid producing JEV virus-like particles(VLPs), dramatic reductions in cross-reactivity were produced by the G106K-L107D (KD) double-mutant VLPagainst a panel of flavivirus murine monoclonal antibodies. Human serum panels from patients with recentflavivirus infections were analyzed to compare the accuracy of JEV wild-type (WT) and KD VLPs as serodiagnosticantigens in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Statistical analysis demonstrated significant differencesin assay performances for accurate determination of current JEV infections between WT and KDantigens by detecting immunoglobulin M antibodies at a serum dilution of 1:4,000 (likelihood ratios 2.74[WT] and 22 [KD]). The application and continued development of cross-reactivity-reduced antigens shouldimprove both flavivirus infection serodiagnosis and estimates of disease burden.
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays Using Novel JapaneseEncephalitis Virus Antigen Improve the Accuracy ofClinical Diagnosis of Flavivirus Infections
Shyan-Song Chiou,1 Wayne D. Crill,2 Li-Kuang Chen,3 and Gwong-Jen J. Chang2*
The cross-reactive antibodies induced by flavivirus infections confound serodiagnosis and pathogenesis,especially in secondary infections caused by antigenically closely related yet distinct flaviviruses. The envelope(E) glycoprotein fusion peptide contains immunodominant cross-reactive determinants. Using a recombinantJapanese encephalitis virus (JEV) premembrane and E expression plasmid producing JEV virus-like particles(VLPs), dramatic reductions in cross-reactivity were produced by the G106K-L107D (KD) double-mutant VLPagainst a panel of flavivirus murine monoclonal antibodies. Human serum panels from patients with recentflavivirus infections were analyzed to compare the accuracy of JEV wild-type (WT) and KD VLPs as serodiagnosticantigens in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Statistical analysis demonstrated significant differencesin assay performances for accurate determination of current JEV infections between WT and KDantigens by detecting immunoglobulin M antibodies at a serum dilution of 1:4,000 (likelihood ratios 2.74[WT] and 22 [KD]). The application and continued development of cross-reactivity-reduced antigens shouldimprove both flavivirus infection serodiagnosis and estimates of disease burden.
Evaluation of Mosquito Densoviruses for Controlling Aedes aegypti
Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 78(5), 2008, pp. 784–790
Evaluation of Mosquito Densoviruses for Controlling Aedes aegypti (Diptera:Culicidae): Variation in Efficiency due to Virus Strain and Geographic Originof Mosquitoes
Abstract. Four mosquito densovirus strains were assayed for mortality and infectivity against Aedes aegypti larvaefrom different geographic regions. The viral titers were quantified by real-time PCR using TaqMan technology. Firstinstarlarvae were exposed to the same titer of each densovirus strain for 48 hours. All strains of densoviruses exhibitedlarvicidal activity and caused more than 80% mortality and infectivity in the three mosquito strains. AalDNV-exposedlarvae had the highest mortality rate. The mean time to death of AalDNV-exposed larvae was shorter than otherDNVs-exposed larvae. We can conclude that different densovirus strains exhibit some variations in their pathogenicityto different populations of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. A few mosquitoes from Chachoengsao and Bangkok exposed toAeDNV and AThDNV survived to the adult stage to lay eggs and showed 22% to 50% vertical transmission in the F1generation. Phylogenetic analysis of four densovirus strains indicated that mosquito densoviruses are separated into twodistinct clades.
Evaluation of Mosquito Densoviruses for Controlling Aedes aegypti (Diptera:Culicidae): Variation in Efficiency due to Virus Strain and Geographic Originof Mosquitoes
Abstract. Four mosquito densovirus strains were assayed for mortality and infectivity against Aedes aegypti larvaefrom different geographic regions. The viral titers were quantified by real-time PCR using TaqMan technology. Firstinstarlarvae were exposed to the same titer of each densovirus strain for 48 hours. All strains of densoviruses exhibitedlarvicidal activity and caused more than 80% mortality and infectivity in the three mosquito strains. AalDNV-exposedlarvae had the highest mortality rate. The mean time to death of AalDNV-exposed larvae was shorter than otherDNVs-exposed larvae. We can conclude that different densovirus strains exhibit some variations in their pathogenicityto different populations of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. A few mosquitoes from Chachoengsao and Bangkok exposed toAeDNV and AThDNV survived to the adult stage to lay eggs and showed 22% to 50% vertical transmission in the F1generation. Phylogenetic analysis of four densovirus strains indicated that mosquito densoviruses are separated into twodistinct clades.
Chikungunya virus has infected a total of 473 people, INDONESIA (JAVA)
A ProMED-mail post
Date: Thu 1 May 2008
Source: Antara News [edited]
Chikungunya (16): India (Karnataka), Sri Lanka RFI 20080504.1524
Chikungunya (15): Sri Lanka (Sabaragamuwa) 20080429.1478
Chikungunya (13): Malaysia (Johor) 20080428.1462
Chikungunya (12): India (Karnataka) 20080417.1377
Chikungunya (11): India (Kerala) 20080409.1307
Chikungunya (10): Sri Lanka 20080330.1185
Undiagnosed deaths - Sri Lanka (North Central): RFI 20080328.1154
Chikungunya (09): Sri Lanka 20080314.1014
Chikungunya (08): Sri Lanka 20080307.0926
Chikungunya, 2006 - India, excess deaths 20080304.0895
Chikungunya (07): Singapore 20080216.0622
Chikungunya (06): Singapore 20080212.0555
Chikungunya (05): Hong Kong ex Sri Lanka 20080201.0398
Chikungunya (04): Singapore 20080128.0349
Chikungunya (03)- Singapore 20080118.0220
Chikungunya - Taiwan ex Indonesia: 2007 20080109.0106
Chikungunya - Indonesia: (Sumatra) 20080104.0051
Chikungunya - India: (West Bengal) 20080102.0013
Chikungunya (05): India (KA), RFI 20071222.4113
Chikungunya (04): Indonesia (Java), RFI 20071217.4062
Chikungunya - Italy (Emilia Romagna) (08) 20071210.3980
Chikungunya virus: genetic change 20071209.3973
Chikungunya - Sri Lanka (03) 20061129.3380]
Date: Thu 1 May 2008
Source: Antara News [edited]
Chikungunya (16): India (Karnataka), Sri Lanka RFI 20080504.1524
Chikungunya (15): Sri Lanka (Sabaragamuwa) 20080429.1478
Chikungunya (13): Malaysia (Johor) 20080428.1462
Chikungunya (12): India (Karnataka) 20080417.1377
Chikungunya (11): India (Kerala) 20080409.1307
Chikungunya (10): Sri Lanka 20080330.1185
Undiagnosed deaths - Sri Lanka (North Central): RFI 20080328.1154
Chikungunya (09): Sri Lanka 20080314.1014
Chikungunya (08): Sri Lanka 20080307.0926
Chikungunya, 2006 - India, excess deaths 20080304.0895
Chikungunya (07): Singapore 20080216.0622
Chikungunya (06): Singapore 20080212.0555
Chikungunya (05): Hong Kong ex Sri Lanka 20080201.0398
Chikungunya (04): Singapore 20080128.0349
Chikungunya (03)- Singapore 20080118.0220
Chikungunya - Taiwan ex Indonesia: 2007 20080109.0106
Chikungunya - Indonesia: (Sumatra) 20080104.0051
Chikungunya - India: (West Bengal) 20080102.0013
Chikungunya (05): India (KA), RFI 20071222.4113
Chikungunya (04): Indonesia (Java), RFI 20071217.4062
Chikungunya - Italy (Emilia Romagna) (08) 20071210.3980
Chikungunya virus: genetic change 20071209.3973
Chikungunya - Sri Lanka (03) 20061129.3380]
2008年4月29日 星期二
16 down with chikungunya
JOHOR BARU: Sixteen people in Kampung Ulu Choh here have been diagnosed with chikungunya, a non-lethal viral fever with symptoms similar to dengue. .....
JOHOR BARU: Sixteen people in Kampung Ulu Choh here have been diagnosed with chikungunya, a non-lethal viral fever with symptoms similar to dengue. .....
2008年4月28日 星期一
Insects use plant like a telephone

Dutch ecologist Roxina Soler and her colleagues have discovered that subterranean and aboveground herbivorous insects can communicate with each other by using plants as telephones. Subterranean insects issue chemical warning signals via the leaves of the plant. This way, aboveground insects are alerted that the plant is already ‘occupied’........
Larvicidal activity of tectoquinone isolated from red heartwood-type Cryptomeria japonica (柳杉) against two mosquito species
Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 3617–3622
Sen-Sung Cheng a, Chin-Gi Huang b, Wei-June Chen c, Yueh-Hsiung Kuo d,Shang-Tzen Chang e,*
Mosquito larvicidal activities of methanolic extracts from different plant parts of red heartwood-type Cryptomeria japonica D. Don against the fourth-instar larvae of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus were examined. Results of mosquito larvicidal tests demonstrated that the n-hexane fraction of C. japonica sapwood methanolic extract had an excellent inhibitory effect against the larvae of A. aegypti and A. albopictus and its LC50 values were 2.4 and 3.3 μg/ml, respectively, in 24 h. Following the bioactivity-guided fractionation procedure, the active constituent isolated from C. japonica sapwood was characterized as tectoquinone by spectroscopic analyses. The LC50 values of tectoquinone against A. aegypti and A. albopictus in 24 h were 3.3 and 5.4 μg/ml, respectively. In addition, comparisons of mosquito larvicidal activity of anthraquinone congeners demonstrated that anthraquinone skeleton with a methyl group at C-2 position, such as tectoquinone, exhibited the strongest mosquito larvicidal activity. Results of this study show that the methanolic extract of C. japonica sapwood may be considered as a potent source and tectoquinone as a new natural mosquito larvicidal agent.
Keywords: Cryptomeria japonica; Aedes aegypti; Aedes albopictus; Tectoquinone; Mosquito larvicidal activity
Sen-Sung Cheng a, Chin-Gi Huang b, Wei-June Chen c, Yueh-Hsiung Kuo d,Shang-Tzen Chang e,*
Mosquito larvicidal activities of methanolic extracts from different plant parts of red heartwood-type Cryptomeria japonica D. Don against the fourth-instar larvae of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus were examined. Results of mosquito larvicidal tests demonstrated that the n-hexane fraction of C. japonica sapwood methanolic extract had an excellent inhibitory effect against the larvae of A. aegypti and A. albopictus and its LC50 values were 2.4 and 3.3 μg/ml, respectively, in 24 h. Following the bioactivity-guided fractionation procedure, the active constituent isolated from C. japonica sapwood was characterized as tectoquinone by spectroscopic analyses. The LC50 values of tectoquinone against A. aegypti and A. albopictus in 24 h were 3.3 and 5.4 μg/ml, respectively. In addition, comparisons of mosquito larvicidal activity of anthraquinone congeners demonstrated that anthraquinone skeleton with a methyl group at C-2 position, such as tectoquinone, exhibited the strongest mosquito larvicidal activity. Results of this study show that the methanolic extract of C. japonica sapwood may be considered as a potent source and tectoquinone as a new natural mosquito larvicidal agent.
Keywords: Cryptomeria japonica; Aedes aegypti; Aedes albopictus; Tectoquinone; Mosquito larvicidal activity
2008年4月26日 星期六
Use of a commercial enzyme immunoassay to monitor dengue virus replication
Abstract (provisional)
Current methods for dengue virus quantitation are either time consuming, technically demanding or costly. As an alternative, the commercial enzyme immunoassay PlateliaTM Dengue NS1 AG (Bio-Rad Laboratories) was used to monitor semiquantitatively dengue virus replication in cultured cells. The presence of NS1 protein was evaluated in supernatants from Vero and C6/36 cells infected with dengue virus. The amount of NS1 detected in the supernatants of infected cells was proportional to the initial MOI used and to the time of post infection harvest. This immunoassay was also able to detect the presence of NS1 in the supernatants of infected human macrophages. Inhibition of dengue virus replication in C6/36 cells treated with lysosomotropic drugs was readily monitored with the use of this assay. These results suggest that the PlateliaTM Dengue NS1 AG kit can be used as a fast and reliable surrogate method for the relative quantitation of dengue virus replication in cultured cells.
Abstract (provisional)
Current methods for dengue virus quantitation are either time consuming, technically demanding or costly. As an alternative, the commercial enzyme immunoassay PlateliaTM Dengue NS1 AG (Bio-Rad Laboratories) was used to monitor semiquantitatively dengue virus replication in cultured cells. The presence of NS1 protein was evaluated in supernatants from Vero and C6/36 cells infected with dengue virus. The amount of NS1 detected in the supernatants of infected cells was proportional to the initial MOI used and to the time of post infection harvest. This immunoassay was also able to detect the presence of NS1 in the supernatants of infected human macrophages. Inhibition of dengue virus replication in C6/36 cells treated with lysosomotropic drugs was readily monitored with the use of this assay. These results suggest that the PlateliaTM Dengue NS1 AG kit can be used as a fast and reliable surrogate method for the relative quantitation of dengue virus replication in cultured cells.
2008年4月24日 星期四
時事新聞 屈公熱
一、 出國返台 全身痛到站不起來(聯合電子報 桃園)
二、 桃縣出現今年屈公熱首例(中華 醫藥C2)
三、 首例屈公熱病例 症狀已改善(民眾 桃園17)
四、 1st confirmed chikungunya fever case reported(China Post Local 20)
PS 上次打完羽球後,隔天全身痛到站不起來,目前症狀已改善。
一、 出國返台 全身痛到站不起來(聯合電子報 桃園)
二、 桃縣出現今年屈公熱首例(中華 醫藥C2)
三、 首例屈公熱病例 症狀已改善(民眾 桃園17)
四、 1st confirmed chikungunya fever case reported(China Post Local 20)
PS 上次打完羽球後,隔天全身痛到站不起來,目前症狀已改善。
2008年4月22日 星期二
Herpes virus morphogenesis
After leaving the nucleus by a budding-fusion mechanism, nucleocapsids gain their final tegument and envelope in the cytoplasm by budding into trans-Golgi network vesicles. These are then transported to the plasma membrane, where vesicle and plasma membrane fuse and virions are released from the cell.
The role of lipid rafts in HIV-1 replication
For reading only~~~
Advances in cell biology revealed that the plasma membrane is not a homogenous sea of lipid, but consists of various types of microdomains with specific sets of protein and lipid components. One such microdomain is the cholesterol-rich lipid raft. Rafts facilitate various cellular functions, such as signal transduction and protein trafficking, often by providing concentration platforms for promoting protein-protein interactions. A top priority of our research is to fully understand the roles that rafts play throughout the replication cycle of HIV-1 and other retroviruses.
HIV-1 Gag, the major building block of virus particles, has been identified as a raft-associated protein. Moreover, raft disruption severely impairs HIV-1 virus particle production and infectivity of released progeny virions. These findings suggest that rafts play important role(s) in both virus assembly and particle infectivity. We are currently identifying the steps in the assembly/release pathway at which rafts are involved. Future studies will be aimed at determining the molecular mechanisms by which rafts promote virus assembly as well as the nature of the raft subsets involved in infectious virus particle production.
Virus transmission at the interface between two cells is a markedly more efficient mechanism of virus spread than cell-free transmission and likely represents the major mode of transmission for HIV-1 in infected individuals. However, the mechanism of cell-to-cell transmission has not been well studied. Interestingly, we observed that, when a producer cell contacts a target cell, lipid rafts and Gag colocalize at the cell-cell contact interface (see Fig. 1). These results suggest that lipid rafts play a key role in cell-to-cell HIV-1 transmission. The laboratory will further characterize raft-rich contact structures and examine their role(s) in virus spread.
~~~~cited from materials of Ono Lab, University of Michigan Medical School

HIV-1 Gag, the major building block of virus particles, has been identified as a raft-associated protein. Moreover, raft disruption severely impairs HIV-1 virus particle production and infectivity of released progeny virions. These findings suggest that rafts play important role(s) in both virus assembly and particle infectivity. We are currently identifying the steps in the assembly/release pathway at which rafts are involved. Future studies will be aimed at determining the molecular mechanisms by which rafts promote virus assembly as well as the nature of the raft subsets involved in infectious virus particle production.
Virus transmission at the interface between two cells is a markedly more efficient mechanism of virus spread than cell-free transmission and likely represents the major mode of transmission for HIV-1 in infected individuals. However, the mechanism of cell-to-cell transmission has not been well studied. Interestingly, we observed that, when a producer cell contacts a target cell, lipid rafts and Gag colocalize at the cell-cell contact interface (see Fig. 1). These results suggest that lipid rafts play a key role in cell-to-cell HIV-1 transmission. The laboratory will further characterize raft-rich contact structures and examine their role(s) in virus spread.
~~~~cited from materials of Ono Lab, University of Michigan Medical School
有那麼嚴重嗎! 人體試驗最佳對象! 買些血,做陽性血清實驗...
一、 北市近三千外勞 有寄生蟲 (蘋果 大台北社區新聞A14)
二、 外勞健康問題 寄生蟲最嚴重 (自由 台北焦點A11)
三、 外勞健檢不合格 寄生蟲惹禍 (中時 北市新聞C2)
四、 北市外勞8.76%體檢不合格 (新生 要聞2)
五、 染肺結核 去年30外勞遣送出境 (民眾 北市新聞14)
六、 北市外勞健檢 8.76%不合格 (中華 醫藥資訊C2)
七、 衛生習慣好 可降低寄生蟲感染 (中華 醫藥資訊C2)
八、 Nine percent of foreign workers fail health check (Taipei Times台灣新聞2)
一、 北市近三千外勞 有寄生蟲 (蘋果 大台北社區新聞A14)
二、 外勞健康問題 寄生蟲最嚴重 (自由 台北焦點A11)
三、 外勞健檢不合格 寄生蟲惹禍 (中時 北市新聞C2)
四、 北市外勞8.76%體檢不合格 (新生 要聞2)
五、 染肺結核 去年30外勞遣送出境 (民眾 北市新聞14)
六、 北市外勞健檢 8.76%不合格 (中華 醫藥資訊C2)
七、 衛生習慣好 可降低寄生蟲感染 (中華 醫藥資訊C2)
八、 Nine percent of foreign workers fail health check (Taipei Times台灣新聞2)
長庚醫護宿舍 傳疑似登革熱病例
2008年4月20日 星期日
Rift Valley fever, human, bovine - Madagascar
Source: World Health Organisation (WHO), EPR, Outbreak News [edited]<http://www.who.int/csr/don/2008_04_18a/en/index.html>
Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is a viral zoonosis that primarily affects animals but also has the capacity to infect humans. Infection can cause severe disease in both animals and humans, leading to high rates of disease and death. The disease also results in significant economic losses due to death and abortion among RVF-infected livestock."
(Human disease is preceded by animal disease and the cases of human disease described in the preceding report are indicative of the existence of extensive disease in livestock. Rift Valley fever virus has circulated in livestock in Madagascar for several years -- see the ProMED-mail references listed below. - Mod.CP)
"RVF virus is a member of the genus _Phlebovirus_, one of the 5 genera in the family _Bunyaviridae_. The virus was 1st identified in1931 during an investigation into an epidemic among sheep on a farm in the Rift Valley of Kenya. Since then, outbreaks have been reported in sub-Saharan and North Africa. In 1997-98, a major outbreak occurred in Kenya, Somalia and Tanzania and in September 2000, RVF cases were confirmed in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, marking the 1st reported occurrence of the disease outside the African continent and raising concerns that it could extend to other parts of Asia and Europe.
"The vast majority of human infections result from direct or indirect contact with the blood or organs of infected animals. The virus can be transmitted to humans through the handling of animal tissue during slaughtering or butchering, assisting with animal births, conducting veterinary procedures, or from the disposal of carcasses or fetuses.
"Certain occupational groups such as herders, farmers, slaughterhouse workers and veterinarians are therefore at higher risk of infection. The virus infects humans through inoculation; for example, via a wound from an infected knife or through contact with broken skin, or through inhalation of aerosols produced during the slaughter of infected animals. The aerosol mode of transmission has also led to infection in laboratory workers.
"There is some evidence that humans may also become infected with RVF by ingesting the unpasteurized or uncooked milk of infected animals. Human infections have also resulted from the bites of infected mosquitoes, most commonly the _Aedes_ mosquito. Transmission of RVF virus by hematophagous (blood-feeding) flies is also possible.
"To date, no human-to-human transmission of RVF has been documented, and no transmission of RVF to health care workers has been reported when standard infection control precautions have been put in place.
Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is a viral zoonosis that primarily affects animals but also has the capacity to infect humans. Infection can cause severe disease in both animals and humans, leading to high rates of disease and death. The disease also results in significant economic losses due to death and abortion among RVF-infected livestock."
(Human disease is preceded by animal disease and the cases of human disease described in the preceding report are indicative of the existence of extensive disease in livestock. Rift Valley fever virus has circulated in livestock in Madagascar for several years -- see the ProMED-mail references listed below. - Mod.CP)
"RVF virus is a member of the genus _Phlebovirus_, one of the 5 genera in the family _Bunyaviridae_. The virus was 1st identified in1931 during an investigation into an epidemic among sheep on a farm in the Rift Valley of Kenya. Since then, outbreaks have been reported in sub-Saharan and North Africa. In 1997-98, a major outbreak occurred in Kenya, Somalia and Tanzania and in September 2000, RVF cases were confirmed in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, marking the 1st reported occurrence of the disease outside the African continent and raising concerns that it could extend to other parts of Asia and Europe.
"The vast majority of human infections result from direct or indirect contact with the blood or organs of infected animals. The virus can be transmitted to humans through the handling of animal tissue during slaughtering or butchering, assisting with animal births, conducting veterinary procedures, or from the disposal of carcasses or fetuses.
"Certain occupational groups such as herders, farmers, slaughterhouse workers and veterinarians are therefore at higher risk of infection. The virus infects humans through inoculation; for example, via a wound from an infected knife or through contact with broken skin, or through inhalation of aerosols produced during the slaughter of infected animals. The aerosol mode of transmission has also led to infection in laboratory workers.
"There is some evidence that humans may also become infected with RVF by ingesting the unpasteurized or uncooked milk of infected animals. Human infections have also resulted from the bites of infected mosquitoes, most commonly the _Aedes_ mosquito. Transmission of RVF virus by hematophagous (blood-feeding) flies is also possible.
"To date, no human-to-human transmission of RVF has been documented, and no transmission of RVF to health care workers has been reported when standard infection control precautions have been put in place.
2008年4月19日 星期六
[1] Egypt - WHO confirmation of 50th case [2] Japan - pre-pandemic vaccine trial approved
[1] Egypt - WHO confirmation of 50th case
[2] Japan - pre-pandemic vaccine trial approvedDate: Fri 18 Apr 2008Source: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan [edited]
Clinical trial for pre-pandemic influenza vaccination - Japan
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan (MHLW) has announced on Wed 16 Apr 2008 that it would organise a clinical trial for pre-pandemic influenza vaccines against H5N1 on 6400 volunteers to further make sure its safety and effectiveness which had already been tested for a smaller number and been approved by the national regulatory authority. The 6400 volunteers will include quarantine officers, health care workers and emergency response workers.
MHLW will consider expanding pre-pandemic vaccination to wider prioritised targets up to 10 million if the trial proves its safety and effectiveness. It would also consider increasing its stock of pre-pandemic vaccines in addition to the current 20 million stockpiles of Viet Nam, Indonesia and Anhui [China] strains as bulks.
In the meantime, MHLW is always endeavouring to improve the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, and their manufacturing process including introducing cell-culture-based vaccines to increase the speed of their production.
--Communicated by:Kenichi TSUJII, M.D., MPATuberculosis and Infectious Diseases Control DivisionHealth Services BureauMinistry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan<tsujii-kenichi@mhlw.go.jp>
[ProMED-mail would like to thank Dr. Kenichi Tsujii for sharing this information with our subscribers. The nature of the vaccine is not disclosed, but it is likely to be a whole virus inactivated egg-grown vaccine without adjuvant. We look forward to hearing results of this vaccine trial as they become available. However, it is not clear how the efficacy of the vaccine is going to be assessed, and what controls are in place. Further information would be welcomed. - Mod.MPP/CP]
[2] Japan - pre-pandemic vaccine trial approvedDate: Fri 18 Apr 2008Source: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan [edited]
Clinical trial for pre-pandemic influenza vaccination - Japan
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan (MHLW) has announced on Wed 16 Apr 2008 that it would organise a clinical trial for pre-pandemic influenza vaccines against H5N1 on 6400 volunteers to further make sure its safety and effectiveness which had already been tested for a smaller number and been approved by the national regulatory authority. The 6400 volunteers will include quarantine officers, health care workers and emergency response workers.
MHLW will consider expanding pre-pandemic vaccination to wider prioritised targets up to 10 million if the trial proves its safety and effectiveness. It would also consider increasing its stock of pre-pandemic vaccines in addition to the current 20 million stockpiles of Viet Nam, Indonesia and Anhui [China] strains as bulks.
In the meantime, MHLW is always endeavouring to improve the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, and their manufacturing process including introducing cell-culture-based vaccines to increase the speed of their production.
--Communicated by:Kenichi TSUJII, M.D., MPATuberculosis and Infectious Diseases Control DivisionHealth Services BureauMinistry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan<tsujii-kenichi@mhlw.go.jp>
[ProMED-mail would like to thank Dr. Kenichi Tsujii for sharing this information with our subscribers. The nature of the vaccine is not disclosed, but it is likely to be a whole virus inactivated egg-grown vaccine without adjuvant. We look forward to hearing results of this vaccine trial as they become available. However, it is not clear how the efficacy of the vaccine is going to be assessed, and what controls are in place. Further information would be welcomed. - Mod.MPP/CP]
2008年4月17日 星期四
More than 500 suspected chikungunya cases were detected in the district [of Mangalore, Karnataka state].
Statistics available at the District Health and Family Welfare Department (DHFWD) warn of an 'uncontrollable outbreak of the disease in the district', if not checked at the earliest.
As per data available with the DHFWD, around 530 suspected chikungunya cases were reported from Sullia and Puttur taluks. [A taluk is an administrative and fiscal unit that has jurisdiction over villages and municipalities. - Mod.TY] It was found through door-to-door survey and surveillance records that around 1787 people were suffering from high fever in Sullia and Puttur taluks.
The absence of a clinical diagnosis process in the district to confirm chikungunya as early as possible has the administration sitting astride the horns of a dilemma.
DHFWD officer Dr H Jagannath told this website's newspaper that the department could not confirm chikungunya as there was no laboratory facility in the district to diagnose the disease. He said that the government had promised 100 rapid chikungunya test kits before Wednesday [16 Apr 2008].
"INR 4.5 lakh [450 000 rupees equivalent to USD 11 261] had been sanctioned under the vector borne disease control programme for the district," he said, adding that necessary steps would be taken to check the spread of disease.
Dr Jagannath said that 2 nodal officers were appointed for Sullia and Puttur taluks. The department has also deputed 3 doctors to the taluks, he said and 3 mobile medical teams with ambulances were also sent to the taluks.
Jagannath said that a joint survey by the entomology experts and the joint director of the Malaria and Filaria Cell was conducted on 13-15 Apr [2008]; a total of 12 drug distribution centres were functioning in the 2 taluks.
Precautionary measures including fogging, spraying, and awareness programmes were started in the taluks for the effective prevention of the spread of chikungunya, but proper diagnosis is still a necessary 1st step that can no longer be delayed.
[Byline: Vinobha KT]
Statistics available at the District Health and Family Welfare Department (DHFWD) warn of an 'uncontrollable outbreak of the disease in the district', if not checked at the earliest.
As per data available with the DHFWD, around 530 suspected chikungunya cases were reported from Sullia and Puttur taluks. [A taluk is an administrative and fiscal unit that has jurisdiction over villages and municipalities. - Mod.TY] It was found through door-to-door survey and surveillance records that around 1787 people were suffering from high fever in Sullia and Puttur taluks.
The absence of a clinical diagnosis process in the district to confirm chikungunya as early as possible has the administration sitting astride the horns of a dilemma.
DHFWD officer Dr H Jagannath told this website's newspaper that the department could not confirm chikungunya as there was no laboratory facility in the district to diagnose the disease. He said that the government had promised 100 rapid chikungunya test kits before Wednesday [16 Apr 2008].
"INR 4.5 lakh [450 000 rupees equivalent to USD 11 261] had been sanctioned under the vector borne disease control programme for the district," he said, adding that necessary steps would be taken to check the spread of disease.
Dr Jagannath said that 2 nodal officers were appointed for Sullia and Puttur taluks. The department has also deputed 3 doctors to the taluks, he said and 3 mobile medical teams with ambulances were also sent to the taluks.
Jagannath said that a joint survey by the entomology experts and the joint director of the Malaria and Filaria Cell was conducted on 13-15 Apr [2008]; a total of 12 drug distribution centres were functioning in the 2 taluks.
Precautionary measures including fogging, spraying, and awareness programmes were started in the taluks for the effective prevention of the spread of chikungunya, but proper diagnosis is still a necessary 1st step that can no longer be delayed.
[Byline: Vinobha KT]
Not good for pitching today
Chien-Ming Wang is not good enough today, pitching 4.0 innings with 8 ER.
His ERA has increased from 1.38 up to 3.86.
His ERA has increased from 1.38 up to 3.86.
2008年4月14日 星期一
2008年4月12日 星期六
The list of presentations
Please find the list of presentations (a draft) for
lab meeting in late April, May, and early June.
In addition, please fill up the appropriate block
for each of you in the table of the file.
lab meeting in late April, May, and early June.
In addition, please fill up the appropriate block
for each of you in the table of the file.
2008年4月10日 星期四
2008年4月9日 星期三
2008年4月8日 星期二
2008年4月4日 星期五
Young Investigator Award
The ASTMH 57th Annual Meeting 將於 December 7-11, 2008
在 New Orleans, Louisiana 舉行. 鼓勵欲出席會議者參與角逐
Young Investigator Award, 若有意願須於 5/28 前完成申請
手續! 細節請參考日前公佈之網頁.
在 New Orleans, Louisiana 舉行. 鼓勵欲出席會議者參與角逐
Young Investigator Award, 若有意願須於 5/28 前完成申請
手續! 細節請參考日前公佈之網頁.
2008年4月1日 星期二
Congress in Jeju
The XVII International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria that will be held in Jeju,
Korea has extended the deadline for abstract submission until May 10, this year.
Korea has extended the deadline for abstract submission until May 10, this year.
2008年3月31日 星期一
2008年3月30日 星期日
文章 (Atom)