2008年4月24日 星期四

時事新聞 屈公熱

一、 出國返台 全身痛到站不起來(聯合電子報 桃園)
二、 桃縣出現今年屈公熱首例(中華 醫藥C2)
三、 首例屈公熱病例 症狀已改善(民眾 桃園17)
四、 1st confirmed chikungunya fever case reported(China Post Local 20)

PS 上次打完羽球後,隔天全身痛到站不起來,目前症狀已改善

1 則留言:

mosquitoes and arboviruses 提到...


Date: Thu 24 Apr 2008
Source: The China Post [edited]

Taoyuan county health officials confirmed Wednesday [23 Apr 2008] the
1st chikungunya fever case this year [2008] in the northern county.
The officials said the victim is a 58-year-old Taiwanese businessman
who traveled to Shanghai 26 Mar-9 Apr [2008] and then proceeded to
Jakarta, Indonesia 9-19 Apr [2008].

He was found to have a fever when he passed through the screening
station at the airport and further tests confirmed that he had been
infected with chikungunya fever [virus]. His condition improved after
treatment, the officials added.

Lin Hsueh-jung, health chief of Taoyuan County, said the chikungunya
virus (CHIKV) is transmitted to humans through the bite of the
_Aedes_ mosquito and causes an illness with symptoms similar to those
of dengue fever. The acute febrile phase of the illness lasts only
2-5 days, but the pain associated with CHIKV infection of the joints
persists for weeks or months.

Communicated by:
ProMED-mail Rapporteur A-Lan Banks

This chikungunya virus infection was doubtless acquired when the man
was in Jakarta, Indonesia. This case illustrates again the ease with
which chikungunya virus can be disseminated by rapid transportation.
The chikungunya virus vector, _Aedes aegypti_ occurs in Taiwan. One
hopes that there was no further virus transmission there. ProMED-mail
requests information concerning current cases of chikungunya virus
infection in Jakarta and any secondary cases in Taiwan.