2008年5月30日 星期五
The number of chikungunya patients has increased 20080523

A mixed dengue-chikungunya outbreak is going on in this location. It would be of interest to know if the chikungunya cases mentioned here were (or will be) laboratory confirmed.
Chikungunya (21): India (Karnataka), RFI 20080527.1723
Chikungunya (20): India (Karnataka) 20080523.1697
Chikungunya (19): India (Karnataka) 20080520.1673
Chikungunya (18): Singapore ex Indonesia, India (Kerala) 20080508.1576
Chikungunya (17): Indonesia (Java) 20080505.1531
Chikungunya (16): India (Karnataka), Sri Lanka RFI 20080504.1524
Chikungunya (15): Sri Lanka (Sabaragamuwa) 20080429.1478Chikungunya (13): Malaysia (Johor) 20080428.1462Chikungunya (12): India (Karnataka) 20080417.1377
Chikungunya (11): India (Kerala) 20080409.1307
Chikungunya (10): Sri Lanka 20080330.1185Undiagnosed deaths - Sri Lanka (North Central): RFI 20080328.1154
Chikungunya (09): Sri Lanka 20080314.1014
Chikungunya (08): Sri Lanka 20080307.0926
Chikungunya, 2006 - India, excess deaths 20080304.0895
Chikungunya (07): Singapore 20080216.0622
Chikungunya (06): Singapore 20080212.0555
Chikungunya (05): Hong Kong ex Sri Lanka 20080201.0398
Chikungunya (04): Singapore 20080128.0349
Chikungunya (03)- Singapore 20080118.0220
Chikungunya - Taiwan ex Indonesia: 2007 20080109.0106
Chikungunya - Indonesia: (Sumatra) 20080104.0051
Chikungunya - India: (West Bengal) 20080102.00132007
2008年5月12日 星期一
登革熱時事 2008.05.12
一、 病例年增3成4 菲登革熱拉警報 (中華 HEALTH C1)
二、 登革熱增3成4 菲常警張 (民眾 生活綜合7)
三、 菲國登革熱 增加三成四 (新生 長青保健11)
一、 病例年增3成4 菲登革熱拉警報 (中華 HEALTH C1)
二、 登革熱增3成4 菲常警張 (民眾 生活綜合7)
三、 菲國登革熱 增加三成四 (新生 長青保健11)
2008年5月11日 星期日
Singapore reports 17th chikungunya case
SINGAPORE, May 8 (Xinhua) -- Singapore's Health Ministry confirmed the 17th case of the mosquito-borne chikungunya disease here on Thursday. The ministry revealed that the latest victim was E. C. Sng, among the four new cases that caught the disease overseas recently.
Sng believed he caught the virus while playing golf at Jakarta's Jagorawi Golf and Country Club a month ago. His infectious period is now over. ........
Rezza G, Nicoletti L, Angelini R. Infection with chikungunya virus in Italy:an outbreak in a temperate region. Lancet 2007; 370: 1840–46.2
SINGAPORE, May 8 (Xinhua) -- Singapore's Health Ministry confirmed the 17th case of the mosquito-borne chikungunya disease here on Thursday. The ministry revealed that the latest victim was E. C. Sng, among the four new cases that caught the disease overseas recently.
Sng believed he caught the virus while playing golf at Jakarta's Jagorawi Golf and Country Club a month ago. His infectious period is now over. ........
Rezza G, Nicoletti L, Angelini R. Infection with chikungunya virus in Italy:an outbreak in a temperate region. Lancet 2007; 370: 1840–46.2
2008年5月10日 星期六
New deadly virus discovered by scientists
Chapare Virus, a Newly Discovered Arenavirus Isolatedfrom a Fatal Hemorrhagic Fever Case in Bolivia PLoS Pathogens 4(4): e100004, 2008.
【大公網訊】拉巴斯消息:玻利維亞最近發現一種能導致病人出血死亡的新病毒,於22日宣佈「全國處於衛生緊急狀態」。 據新華社利馬4月22日電,玻利維亞衛生部當天發佈公告說,玻中部科恰班巴省查帕雷地區最近發現一種由老鼠傳染的新病毒,目前已有3人因感染這種病毒而死亡。 公告指出,科學家們已認定這一新病毒是沙粒病毒的變種,並將它命名為「查帕雷沙粒病毒」。這種病毒內含沙樣顆粒,潛伏期為7天至15天,致死率高達30%以上。
目前,玻衛生部門正採取措施,防止「查帕雷沙粒病毒」蔓延。 http://news.sina.com/int/phoenixtv/105-103-102-101/2008-04-22/21132837475.html
What are the Arenaviridae?
The Arenaviridae are a family of viruses whose members are generally associated with rodent-transmitted disease in humans. Each virus usually is associated with a particular rodent host species in which it is maintained. Arenavirus infections are relatively common in humans in some areas of the world and can cause severe illnesses.
【大公網訊】拉巴斯消息:玻利維亞最近發現一種能導致病人出血死亡的新病毒,於22日宣佈「全國處於衛生緊急狀態」。 據新華社利馬4月22日電,玻利維亞衛生部當天發佈公告說,玻中部科恰班巴省查帕雷地區最近發現一種由老鼠傳染的新病毒,目前已有3人因感染這種病毒而死亡。 公告指出,科學家們已認定這一新病毒是沙粒病毒的變種,並將它命名為「查帕雷沙粒病毒」。這種病毒內含沙樣顆粒,潛伏期為7天至15天,致死率高達30%以上。
目前,玻衛生部門正採取措施,防止「查帕雷沙粒病毒」蔓延。 http://news.sina.com/int/phoenixtv/105-103-102-101/2008-04-22/21132837475.html
What are the Arenaviridae?
The Arenaviridae are a family of viruses whose members are generally associated with rodent-transmitted disease in humans. Each virus usually is associated with a particular rodent host species in which it is maintained. Arenavirus infections are relatively common in humans in some areas of the world and can cause severe illnesses.
2008年5月8日 星期四
2008年5月7日 星期三
衛生署疾病管制局確認今 (2008) 年首例地方性斑疹傷寒境外移入確定病例,個案為22歲男性,於本年4月14日在新加坡出現發燒症狀,自行服用退燒藥後,4月16日來台,後因再度發燒而前往就診。個案目前已痊癒,該局於5月5日確認為今年首例地方性斑疹傷寒境外移入個案。......
地方性斑疹傷寒為一種立克次體 (Rickettsia typhi) 引起的疾病,在自然界以「鼠-蚤-鼠」的循環方式維持傳播,但在老鼠為不顯性感染。......
地方性斑疹傷寒為一種立克次體 (Rickettsia typhi) 引起的疾病,在自然界以「鼠-蚤-鼠」的循環方式維持傳播,但在老鼠為不顯性感染。......
2008年5月6日 星期二
Novel JEV antigen
CLINICAL AND VACCINE IMMUNOLOGY, May 2008, p. 825–835 Vol. 15, No. 5
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays Using Novel JapaneseEncephalitis Virus Antigen Improve the Accuracy ofClinical Diagnosis of Flavivirus Infections
Shyan-Song Chiou,1 Wayne D. Crill,2 Li-Kuang Chen,3 and Gwong-Jen J. Chang2*
The cross-reactive antibodies induced by flavivirus infections confound serodiagnosis and pathogenesis,especially in secondary infections caused by antigenically closely related yet distinct flaviviruses. The envelope(E) glycoprotein fusion peptide contains immunodominant cross-reactive determinants. Using a recombinantJapanese encephalitis virus (JEV) premembrane and E expression plasmid producing JEV virus-like particles(VLPs), dramatic reductions in cross-reactivity were produced by the G106K-L107D (KD) double-mutant VLPagainst a panel of flavivirus murine monoclonal antibodies. Human serum panels from patients with recentflavivirus infections were analyzed to compare the accuracy of JEV wild-type (WT) and KD VLPs as serodiagnosticantigens in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Statistical analysis demonstrated significant differencesin assay performances for accurate determination of current JEV infections between WT and KDantigens by detecting immunoglobulin M antibodies at a serum dilution of 1:4,000 (likelihood ratios 2.74[WT] and 22 [KD]). The application and continued development of cross-reactivity-reduced antigens shouldimprove both flavivirus infection serodiagnosis and estimates of disease burden.
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays Using Novel JapaneseEncephalitis Virus Antigen Improve the Accuracy ofClinical Diagnosis of Flavivirus Infections
Shyan-Song Chiou,1 Wayne D. Crill,2 Li-Kuang Chen,3 and Gwong-Jen J. Chang2*
The cross-reactive antibodies induced by flavivirus infections confound serodiagnosis and pathogenesis,especially in secondary infections caused by antigenically closely related yet distinct flaviviruses. The envelope(E) glycoprotein fusion peptide contains immunodominant cross-reactive determinants. Using a recombinantJapanese encephalitis virus (JEV) premembrane and E expression plasmid producing JEV virus-like particles(VLPs), dramatic reductions in cross-reactivity were produced by the G106K-L107D (KD) double-mutant VLPagainst a panel of flavivirus murine monoclonal antibodies. Human serum panels from patients with recentflavivirus infections were analyzed to compare the accuracy of JEV wild-type (WT) and KD VLPs as serodiagnosticantigens in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Statistical analysis demonstrated significant differencesin assay performances for accurate determination of current JEV infections between WT and KDantigens by detecting immunoglobulin M antibodies at a serum dilution of 1:4,000 (likelihood ratios 2.74[WT] and 22 [KD]). The application and continued development of cross-reactivity-reduced antigens shouldimprove both flavivirus infection serodiagnosis and estimates of disease burden.
Evaluation of Mosquito Densoviruses for Controlling Aedes aegypti
Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 78(5), 2008, pp. 784–790
Evaluation of Mosquito Densoviruses for Controlling Aedes aegypti (Diptera:Culicidae): Variation in Efficiency due to Virus Strain and Geographic Originof Mosquitoes
Abstract. Four mosquito densovirus strains were assayed for mortality and infectivity against Aedes aegypti larvaefrom different geographic regions. The viral titers were quantified by real-time PCR using TaqMan technology. Firstinstarlarvae were exposed to the same titer of each densovirus strain for 48 hours. All strains of densoviruses exhibitedlarvicidal activity and caused more than 80% mortality and infectivity in the three mosquito strains. AalDNV-exposedlarvae had the highest mortality rate. The mean time to death of AalDNV-exposed larvae was shorter than otherDNVs-exposed larvae. We can conclude that different densovirus strains exhibit some variations in their pathogenicityto different populations of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. A few mosquitoes from Chachoengsao and Bangkok exposed toAeDNV and AThDNV survived to the adult stage to lay eggs and showed 22% to 50% vertical transmission in the F1generation. Phylogenetic analysis of four densovirus strains indicated that mosquito densoviruses are separated into twodistinct clades.
Evaluation of Mosquito Densoviruses for Controlling Aedes aegypti (Diptera:Culicidae): Variation in Efficiency due to Virus Strain and Geographic Originof Mosquitoes
Abstract. Four mosquito densovirus strains were assayed for mortality and infectivity against Aedes aegypti larvaefrom different geographic regions. The viral titers were quantified by real-time PCR using TaqMan technology. Firstinstarlarvae were exposed to the same titer of each densovirus strain for 48 hours. All strains of densoviruses exhibitedlarvicidal activity and caused more than 80% mortality and infectivity in the three mosquito strains. AalDNV-exposedlarvae had the highest mortality rate. The mean time to death of AalDNV-exposed larvae was shorter than otherDNVs-exposed larvae. We can conclude that different densovirus strains exhibit some variations in their pathogenicityto different populations of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. A few mosquitoes from Chachoengsao and Bangkok exposed toAeDNV and AThDNV survived to the adult stage to lay eggs and showed 22% to 50% vertical transmission in the F1generation. Phylogenetic analysis of four densovirus strains indicated that mosquito densoviruses are separated into twodistinct clades.
Chikungunya virus has infected a total of 473 people, INDONESIA (JAVA)
A ProMED-mail post
Date: Thu 1 May 2008
Source: Antara News [edited]
Chikungunya (16): India (Karnataka), Sri Lanka RFI 20080504.1524
Chikungunya (15): Sri Lanka (Sabaragamuwa) 20080429.1478
Chikungunya (13): Malaysia (Johor) 20080428.1462
Chikungunya (12): India (Karnataka) 20080417.1377
Chikungunya (11): India (Kerala) 20080409.1307
Chikungunya (10): Sri Lanka 20080330.1185
Undiagnosed deaths - Sri Lanka (North Central): RFI 20080328.1154
Chikungunya (09): Sri Lanka 20080314.1014
Chikungunya (08): Sri Lanka 20080307.0926
Chikungunya, 2006 - India, excess deaths 20080304.0895
Chikungunya (07): Singapore 20080216.0622
Chikungunya (06): Singapore 20080212.0555
Chikungunya (05): Hong Kong ex Sri Lanka 20080201.0398
Chikungunya (04): Singapore 20080128.0349
Chikungunya (03)- Singapore 20080118.0220
Chikungunya - Taiwan ex Indonesia: 2007 20080109.0106
Chikungunya - Indonesia: (Sumatra) 20080104.0051
Chikungunya - India: (West Bengal) 20080102.0013
Chikungunya (05): India (KA), RFI 20071222.4113
Chikungunya (04): Indonesia (Java), RFI 20071217.4062
Chikungunya - Italy (Emilia Romagna) (08) 20071210.3980
Chikungunya virus: genetic change 20071209.3973
Chikungunya - Sri Lanka (03) 20061129.3380]
Date: Thu 1 May 2008
Source: Antara News [edited]
Chikungunya (16): India (Karnataka), Sri Lanka RFI 20080504.1524
Chikungunya (15): Sri Lanka (Sabaragamuwa) 20080429.1478
Chikungunya (13): Malaysia (Johor) 20080428.1462
Chikungunya (12): India (Karnataka) 20080417.1377
Chikungunya (11): India (Kerala) 20080409.1307
Chikungunya (10): Sri Lanka 20080330.1185
Undiagnosed deaths - Sri Lanka (North Central): RFI 20080328.1154
Chikungunya (09): Sri Lanka 20080314.1014
Chikungunya (08): Sri Lanka 20080307.0926
Chikungunya, 2006 - India, excess deaths 20080304.0895
Chikungunya (07): Singapore 20080216.0622
Chikungunya (06): Singapore 20080212.0555
Chikungunya (05): Hong Kong ex Sri Lanka 20080201.0398
Chikungunya (04): Singapore 20080128.0349
Chikungunya (03)- Singapore 20080118.0220
Chikungunya - Taiwan ex Indonesia: 2007 20080109.0106
Chikungunya - Indonesia: (Sumatra) 20080104.0051
Chikungunya - India: (West Bengal) 20080102.0013
Chikungunya (05): India (KA), RFI 20071222.4113
Chikungunya (04): Indonesia (Java), RFI 20071217.4062
Chikungunya - Italy (Emilia Romagna) (08) 20071210.3980
Chikungunya virus: genetic change 20071209.3973
Chikungunya - Sri Lanka (03) 20061129.3380]
文章 (Atom)